Friday, January 30, 2015

Oily Skin Solution : Gatsby Powdered Oil Clear Paper

I have extremely oily skin that it's not even funny. My skin produces too much oil even in just a short period of time. Some people could last the whole day without re-applying powder or checking their self in the mirror once but I have to do it many times in one day if I want to make sure I still look good. I won't start telling you about how oily my face is when I wake up in the morning because that is a different story. hehe

So you pretty much get an idea of how oily my face gets. Some people would resort to simply retouching their powder but it doesn't work for me because powder will just sit on my face and cake. Good thing powdered paper/oil absorbent paper were invented! Today I'll share with you guys my favorite oil absorbent paper ever!

Gatsby Powdered Oil Clear Sheet

PRICE : Php 99.75 (blue version) | Php 129.75 (red version)

Where to get it : Watsons, Mercury Drugstores, SM Department Stores and other leading department stores

So this oil absorbent sheet works like other absorbent sheets - absorb oil on the face, But what sets this apart is that it is powdered so it leaves skin feeling and looking extra matte, smooth and oil-free! I prefer the blue version because it is powdered and I found that it works better on me. The red one is more expensive, too.

Some people get confused when using it. The darker smooth side is the "outside" part while the lighter rough side is the area you should stick on your face.    

Here's how ridiculously oily my skin gets in just a short period of time. So what I did was do my makeup like how I would normally do it and sat in my room for 2 hours while editing some videos. I purposely did not wipe the oil to show you how much nasty things get. hehe

I wasn't even under the sun nor doing any activities but my face still got so oily!

Now it's time to show you the magic!

HOW TO USE IT : Take the powdered rough side of the paper and gently put it on different areas of your face. Remember that you should gently dab instead of wipe. In that way you still let your makeup/foundation sit on your face undisturbed. 

Some people only use 1 sheet while I have to use 2. On days when I stay under the sun for too long or have done any sporty or tiring activity, I usually require 3-4 sheets.

You see now that the Gatsby paper absorbed all the oil on my face and left it looking matte. The best thing is that it is powdered so I won't have to bother re-applying powder anymore.


  • Absorbs oil
  • Leaves skin looking and feeling matte
  • Doesn't irritate the skin
  • You get the value for it's price
  • Japanese product (if you like Japanese products)


  • Leaves some ugly powder marks on face

If you noticed in the photo, there are some white marks on my face like on the temple and forehead area. I remember when I went to my cousins wedding in December. I couldn't go to the powder room to retouch because we were having so much fun that I just resorted to quickly and discreetly using some of the sheets while at the table. I didn't bother checking myself in the mirror and proceeded to taking more photos with my cousins. When I got home, que horror! I had some white streaks on my face due to the sheets! haha Other than that, I really love this brand of powdered paper and this is the best I have tried, ever. I really recommend this to people with oily skin like me. It really helps to remove the oil first before re-applying your pwder. It prevents caking and leaves your skin looking so fresh like you just applied your foundation.

I love it so much! And no, this is not a sponsored post! hehe

Thanks for reading!

