Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Human Nature 100% Natural Sunflower Beauty Oil Review

I have heard so many good reviews about this Human Nature Sunflower oil. However, I never really dared to try it because I always advice people not to try a lot of products at once and just stick to the regimen/products that work for them. But I got so curious with this oil that I finally decided to give it a try. 

Using sunflower oil has a lot of benefits depending on how you use it. If you use it for cooking, it can help in lowering cardiovascular diseases, lower cholesterol, prevent asthma, cancer, etc., fight free radicals and so much more! When used on the skin, it helps retain moisture. It is also rich in Vitamin E that will help repair your skin. It also lightens scars and helps improve wrinkle appearance. 

WHERE TO GET IT : Human Nature Store - IskulSuplaysPlusMore on Facebook 

PRICE : Php 274 for 100 ml | Php 149.75 for 50 ml

Here's how my skin looked before using the oil

For full product demonstration and more information about the product, please watch the video below!

Some people asked if my current skin routine is not working anymore and why I keep on having breakout. The truth is, I don't know, either. The only consistent products I am using are the Eskinol + Dalacin and the Beausche soap. It's not always that I get breakout, though. It happens every 2 or 3 months. Huge spots, like what you see in the picture below, would grow on my face, especially when I am nearing my "period" week,

This is how my skin looked after 3 days of using the product.

Sadly, I failed to take photos of my skin thereafter. But if you want to see the final result, please watch the end of the video I have embedded on this post. 

  • Fiipino-made product
  • Inexpensive
  • No weird smell
  • No stingy feel on skin
  • The oil somehow gets absorbed by the skin
  • No further breakout occurred
  • Lightened my acne scars 
  • Mositurized my skin

  • Not available on local stores/groceries
  • The result is not abrupt, the user must be patient

Overall, this is a nice product to have. I like that it is very inexpensive and a few drops are enough for the face so the bottle would last for months. It also moisturized my skin and evened out my complexion. It was not very effective in removing my deep,dark acne scars, though. But for it's price and benefit, this is a really nice product to try. I would suggest this to people with only minimum acne. I will never suggest "oil" products to people that are still suffering from "severe" acne. For severe acne situations, it is always best to treat the problem first before beautifying the skin. Please CLICK HERE if you have other acne related concerns.

I hope you found this blog post helpful. (Online sellers, please DO NOT use my acne photos to sell/advertise your products that I never use. Thanks!)

Thank you for reading today! 

