Showing posts with label All About Acne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All About Acne. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Flawless Beauty Drip (IV Glutathione)

Do you want to have whiter, smoother and more glowing skin this summer to go with your skimpy and bright swimwear? Here's my answer! The Flawless Beauty Drip! It's the treatment more popular as IV Glutathione Infusion.

I have actually tried this already about a year ago and I blogged about my first Flawless Beauty Drip Experience HERE. Some people asked me for an updated Beauty Drip post so I went to Flawless to try it for the second time.

What a perfect timing because they recently re-opened their Flawless Trinoma branch! The store is one of the first Flawless stores to get a store makeover. They revamped the look of their clinic, toned down the color and changed their logo as well. We also found out that some people actually find Flawless intimidating because of the many photos of celebrity endorsers and because people think Flawless is expensive! So, Flawless thought it was time to makeover their clinics,too! So fitting for people like me that want to get a total beauty makeover!

Store Location : 1st Level of Trinoma Mall (near the exit going to SM North Edsa)

Flawless Beauty Drip is a treatment that is given through IV Infusion and will last for less than an hour. Intravenous Infusion allows greater tissue saturation and allows the body to tolerate high doses required for immune system functionality and detoxification of the cells.

Beauty Drip is a cocktail nutrients designed to deliver high antioxidant coverage, immune protection, stress defense and better skin glow. Those are important adjunct to the holistic approach to beauty. The Beauty Drip's main components are Glutathione, Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex and Alpha Lipoic Acid.

I vlogged how it's done so please watch the video! 
(A famous internet celebrity and writer also made a cameo in the video so please be sure to watch it!)

The very reason why I got brave enough to try this treatment is because local celebrities here in the Philippines often get this same treatment to maintain their fair, glowing and healthy complexion! If you are not from Asia then you probably will not understand why we want to have lighter skin while people from the West adore our pretty skin color. I guess people always want what we do not have, huh?

In my case, I just want to have lighter skin because I think I would look better in a lot of clothes if my skin was lighter. I'm talking about loud prints and bright neon ensembles here! Hehe I also want to detoxify because of my acne. The problem with my acne is that the cause of it comes from inside my body. So, direct infusion of nutrients would of course make the healing process faster and more effective!

Now, let me answer some of your questions!

1.) Does it hurt?
It does not hurt. Though, one could get really nervous while the doctor is trying to insert the needle through your vein! But once it's in, it does not hurt anymore.

2.) How long does the infusion last?
The doctor said that if the vein is larger, it would take faster. Mine took about 20 minutes only. But for people with smaller veins, I am pretty sure it won't be more than an hour.

3.) How many days before the Beauty Drip takes effect?
I noticed that my skin looked best on the 1st day until the 3rd day after having the Beauty Drip. That was when my skin was really glowing and I noticed that my face almost had zero pimple! OMG, I couldn't believe it was actually my own skin! Hehe

4.) How many treatments do I need?
If you have the budget for it, I recommend having it once a month to achieve full effect! But if you are on a tight budget, then 3 straight sessions (meaning 1 session every 2-3 weeks) would surely give you noticeably lighter skin.

5.) How much does it cost?
Beauty Drip costs Php7,000. That includes 2 shots of Glutathione, Vitamin C, Vitamin B and Alpha Lipoic Acid. If you want to save a few Peso, ask the Doctor for the regular Glutathione IV. It is pure and solely Gluta that would be infused to your veins.

Because I was on my period when I had the Beauty Drip, my skin was not in a really good state. I had 2 big bumps on my left cheek that I wanted to eliminate. Because of that, I also had the Flawless K.I. Pimple Injection. I have a detailed separate blog post on that treatment. Please click HERE to read it on a new window.

Anyway, each injection costs Php150. That is the price per injection per pimple spot. This treatment is the bomb when it comes to instant pimple treatment, It dries out a pimple the next day, no fail! Though, take it easy having this treatment. As always, I want your safety over anything else. Only get this treatment when it is necessary or when you have a big event the next day. I noticed that this treatment changed the structure of my jawline and my cheeks. I used to get this treatment in bulk order.(lol) I used to have many shots of this in a day because I wanted to get rid of my horrible cystic acne before. Now that my skin is better, I noticed that my cheeks appear bumpy and have an imperfect shape especially when you look at me straight upfront. So, safety first, children! Hehe

With Ron Paolo Luna, Junior Brand Associate of Flawless. He's also responsible for everything that has something to do with RealAsianBeautyXFlawless. Hehe So, thanks for all the help, Paolo! (Follow his Instagram because he goes to nice events as well and takes some darn cool photos!)

Have you ever experienced knowing a name but never a face? Well, that's how I would explain what Marcelo Santos is to me. A  name so familiar yet a face I have never once seen before. Until this day! Yay! I met Marcelo Santos right after having my pimple injection! Hehe How awkward that I shook hands with him with the 2 small pieces of tissue on my face!

And because some people might not believe it's actually him because I covered his face with his caricature, then here! Here is our original selfie. Hehe It was nice meeting you, Marcelo. I hope we could do a collab YouTube video someday. When I get my name to be as big and as famous as yours! :)

So that is my beauty makeover for today! I am sorry for the lack of blog posts lately. I am currently on a roll making and editing YouTube videos for you guys since we already have a schedule for our videos. So, please don't forget! New RealAsianBeauty video on our YouTube channel every Wednesday and every Saturday at exactly 3PM!


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Face Update : 9th Session of FNT (Fractional Needling Therapy) at Flawless!

A lot of you have been asking me for an Updated Skin Condition post. The last time I posted about FNT was when I had my 4th session. I apologize for making you wait. Anyway, last week I had my 9th session of FNT or Fractional Needling Therapy at Flawless.

According to Flawless, Fractional Needling Therapy is a treatment that uses micro needles and it is a cutting-edge and cost-effective skin solution to scars, acne, wrinkles, dark spots, stretch marks, dark spots and hair loss. By using tiny needles to penetrate hard-to-reach areas, FNT, infuses effective and safe serums that lift, smoothen, lighten, refine and restore the youth and radiance back to the skin. (Check out Flawless' website here for more information.)

F.N.T. is one of my favorite treatments to get at Flawless. Because I used to have really, really bad acne, my skin was left with dark spots, acne scars and large pores! F.N.T. helps me to somehow bring back the skin I had before all the bad acne breakout happened. To give you an idea how bad my skin WAS, here is a photo. Again, please do not use this photo to blackmail me if you hate me. hehe
(CLICK HERE to see more of my acne photos and to read my ACNE STORY!)

Then, this was how my skin looked before my 1st ever F.N.T. treatment back in February 2015. (Wow, it has been a year, I didn't even notice!)

This is how my skin looked right after my 9th F.N.T. session at Flawless last week, 4th week of January 2016. It was super red, and yes, scary!
(If you hate me, please don't use this photo to blackmail me. hehe I am only posting this photo to let my readers see how the face would look right after an F.N.T. session!) ^^

*I put watermark on my face area to prevent online shops from using my acne and skin photos to promote their products that I never use.


This photo was taken the day after I had the FNT. As you see in the picture, my face was red all over. The areas where the doctor treated well are more red compared to other areas. I have extremely visible pores on my cheeks and on the temple area so I always ask my doctor to treat those areas well. Because it could still be stingy when you wash your face, be sure you only use mild facial cleanser. Avoid using any products that have scrub beads or salicylic acid. The first day is probably the worse stage of the down period so I suggest having your FNT done on a weekend or on your day off work or school.

TIP : I use Cetaphil Cleanser whenever I get F.N.T. treatment because the cleanser is mild and gentle. It only takes away the dirt and impurities without irritating or leaving any harsh chemicals behind.

DAY 2 :

On the second day, peeling will start! This is also the day when the red spots turn dark. The peeling starts on the areas treated well. In my case, the peeling started on the chin and cheek area. I also recommend staying indoor to avoid exposure from the sun. When your skin is peeling, that is the stage where it is most susceptible to sun damage. But if you really must go outside, use sunblock with high SPF. Also, bring an umbrella or use a hat for maximum coverage. I know it is tempting because I am guilty of it! (hehe) But it is not advised to peel off your skin by force. After I took this photo, I peeled my skin by force so it left some red marks the next day. (See photo below)

TIP : Flawless will prescribe you to get the Erythromycin Post Cautery Cream after an F.N.T. treatment. It costs around Php 350 and would last until your 4th session. This cream will help ease the redness, will make it heal faster and it will also prevent irritation.

DAY 3:

On the third day, the peeling would be lesser depending on how much dead skin layer you have to shed off. I have bad skin and I didn't have FNT for few months so the peeling was quite intense. But as I have mentioned above, I peeled my skin by force so it looks better by the third day. However, if you look close enough, you will see that it left some red marks on my face. (3rd right photo, my left cheek) The peeling and dark/red spots were not there anymore but it is still reddish because of force and too much rubbing that I did the previous day. So, please don't do that!

DAY 4 : 

On the 4th day, you will be able to go out of the house without being conscious of your face. Peeling and Dark/Red spots won't be there anymore but the face would still be a bit reddish. It's still still advised to keep away from the sun and only use light makeup. Avoid foundation and powder if possible and just use a tinted moisturizer with SPF.

TIP : I like using tinted base/sunblock like this product. This is a Japanese brand and it also acts as a good makeup base. But on days when you can't wear or too lazy to apply makeup, it's good enough as a product to cover some spots and act as a good sun protection.

DAY 5 :

On the 5th day, you can already see the glow in my skin! My skin also appears tight and refreshed now. I only did my brows, eyes and lips but did not apply anything on my face. (No toner, moisturizer, sunblock, etc.) But my skin looks as if it is tight and the pores became less visible!

DAY 6:

The 6th day (or 7th for some people) is the day when you would feel the most prettiest! It is the day when all of the down time would pay off and you could say hello to a more flawless skin! Like the other photos, I only did my brows, eyes and lips but no product was applied on the skin. But if you look closer, you will see that the pores have become tighter and less visible. The peeling and dark/red spots are no longer there. You can also go back to your regular skin regimen and do your favorite makeup routine. But in my opinion, since you already have good skin this day, I suggest to keep the makeup light. Enjoy your glowing and supple skin and be proud to show it off bare! 

Frequently Asked Questions :

How much does it cost per session?
-It would cost around Php 4,500 for each session of F.N.T. The treatment would be done by one of Flawless' licensed doctors.
Is it painful?
-Yes, it is, especially if you have low pain tolerance. The pain won't be felt while you are having the needle treatment since the doctor would apply anesthesia on your face. The pain comes after the treatment but would only last 10-15 minutes. It is when the anesthesia subsides and you start feeling the sting of the pricking of needles. But you can ask the doctor to turn on the fan so the air could help soothe the stinginess.
Does it work? How many sessions do I need?
-I would suggest having at least 4-6 sessions of F.N.T. to see better results. Once may not be sufficient and the customer may just end up disappointed.
Which Flawless branch do you go to?
-I go to SM North Edsa and Cubao Flawless branches. If you see me, say Hi to me! :)
Is the result permanent? 
-Nothing is permanent just as how there's no forever. The skin does get better through the help of F.N.T., but if you still get acne spots from time to time, like me, then chances are you also get new spots and new open pores. So just to maintain your skin, I would suggest still having F.N.T. sessions at least every 3 months. 

If you want to know more, you can read my FIRST FNT session here or my FOURTH FNT session update here.

For comparison, here's how my skin looked BEFORE and AFTER my 9th F.N.T. session. You can see that the red spots are now gone, no more peeling and my skin is dewy, tight, fresh, appears ligther and the dark spots and some visible spots are less visible!

And here's how my skin looks now after NINE SESSIONS of Flawless' F.N.T.! 
The left photo was my skin before having any F.N.T. treatments. You can see that my skin was darker and I had a lot of active spots and also a lot of dark spots. The area on my forehead also had some wrinkles and the skin looks dry and flaky. 
After 9 sessions of FNT, and no photoshop, edit nor filter, my skin looks pleasantly brighter and the dark spots are lesser now. I also noticed that the birth mark near my left eyebrow has become less deeper! The forehead that used to have wrinkly, dry and flaky skin now looks smoother and tighter! My face also has that noticeably pinkish glow, especially on the cheeks area! Though, some pores on the cheeks are still open and visible, I have to say they are not as big and visible as how they used to be!

I am happy and thankful for my skin now! I know I still need a lot of F.N.T. sessions to achieve that beautiful skin that I am praying for. But the skin condition that I have now is not that bad already if you look back at how it looked in 2012! This treatment is one of the treatments that I love getting at Flawless. Whenever I have special occasions or events to attend, I count at least 8-10 days before the big day and make sure to visit my favorite Flawless clinic to get this treatment. Yes, it is pricey! Considering I already had 9 sessions, the total money I have spent already would come down to Php 40,500!!! But as I have mentioned earlier, you can have at least 4 sessions of this and then say hello to a better skin. However, I do not recommend this to younger people, especially to teenagers as your skin is still young and delicate. This treatment suits best the people that are my age or older and have serious skin condition.

I hope you like this skin update! As always, whatever worked on me may not work on some people. Always consult a doctor or expert (or your parents) first before trying any products or treatments that I review, feature and recommend. 

Don't forget to leave your comments below for any questions. I respond to comments and messages every Thursday! If you LIKE me on Facebook here, we can also have live chat on Thursdays so you could better ask me for tips and suggestions. 

Thank you for reading!


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

PMD Personal MicroDerm VS BANISH Dermaroller - Review and Comparison

One of the perks of being a blogger is discovering new products and getting to use them first-hand for a review. Some of the products that I was lucky enough to discover and review were the PMD Personal Microderm and the Banish Acne Scars Dermaroller. 

Both of the products work well and both have their pros and cons. So, which product works better, you ask? To answer that, I decided to put the two products side by side to show you a more comprehensive review and comparison.

Please watch the video below for the demonstration :

PMD Personal MicroDerm

PMD Personal Microderm is a safe, effective and easy to use tool that will let you uncover a more youthful, younger and beautiful skin! The idea behind this product is that if you break apart and remove the dead skin cells, the body will then interpret that as a mild injury and will rush to replace the lost cells with healthy new ones. With the removal of the outer skin layer, the skin surface's tone and texture will be visibly improved. Also, without the dead skin barrier, the products that you apply will now be easily absorbed in the skin. 

WHERE TO GET IT : PMD (Personal MicroDerm) Website HERE
DISCOUNT CODE : Use the code RealAsianBeauty to get 25% OFF your PMD purchase!
Read my review on the PMD HERE

Here is how my skin looked BEFORE using the PMD.

This is an at-home dermabrasion tool that lets you exfoliate your skin at the comfort of your own home. I've had a lot of facial treatments and I know how inconvenient it is to have to travel and be seen by people with redish or swelling face. This product is so convenient because you can use it at home!  

Here are some of the PROS and CONS of this product

  • It is a gentle skin exfoliator
  • It can be used at the comfort of your own home
  • It works without battery
  • It does not leave the skin redish or swelling after use
  • It shows result right on the first use
  • It reveals younger and tighter skin after every use

  • The sound of the unit could be too harsh/loud
  • It needs electricity to work
  • Has to be shipped from the U.S.

Here is how my skin looks AFTER using the PMD.

The PMD does wonders to the skin, however there are few reminders! Don't do more than 2 passes in one area during any treatment and never allow it to hover in one spot, always keep it moving. Also, remember not to use it on the area near the eyes as this area is particularly sensitive and has thin layer of skin. Just like any facial treatment, it is important to wear sunscreen when you go out, especially when you have just performed a treatment using this device. 

This product is great on the face but you can use it on your body, too! Each disk lasts for 2-4 treatments, depending on how aggressive you are with your treatments. Wait 6-7 days between treatments. That will allow the skin to recover before using the device again. 

After a few weeks, you will notice a change to your skin. Before I used this product, I had deep acne scars due to the acne breakout that I had. But after using the PMD religiously, my skin revealed a younger and healthier layer. I love this product because it works! However, I do not recommend this product to readers that are still young. This product is best used by people with "aged" skin or those that had acne breakout and want to remove the outer layer of the skin and are ready for a dermabrasion treatment.

If you want to know more about this product, check out PMD's website here. Don't forget to use my 25% off discount code : RealAsianBeauty!

BANISH Acne Scars Dermaroller

Banish Acne Scars is the most affordable acne scarring kit. It comes with Vitamin C Serum and Roller to get rid of acne scars, get rid of hyperpigmentation wrinkles as well as large pores. The roller works with your natural collagen to get rid of acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles and stretch marks and reveal smoother and clearer skin. It is one of the best scar removal treatments that you can do at your home! 

WHERE TO GET IT :  BANISH Acne Scars website HERE
DISCOUNT CODE : Use the code RealAsianBeauty upon check out for $5 OFF your purchase
Read my review on the BANISH Acne Scars HERE

Banish has small, micro needles that puncture holes into the skin. I know what you're thinking - Needles, OMG! But let me tell you how the product works. The bristles on the roller puncture micro tiny holes so tiny that it will not produce any scars. These holes dig deeper into the epidermis of the skin. To fix this "hole", the skin produces collagen and elastin. This will help new skin rebuild itself and repair the scar.

Next question, is it safe? Banish needles are created out of Titanium. It is a strong metal and has less risk of infection compared to other metals. It is also lightweight, yet strong, compared to ordinary steel that rust easily. And last, Titanium is non-porous which is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to other metals.

Here is how my skin looked BEFORE using the Banish Roller

What I like about the Banish Dermaroller is that it comes with Vitamin C Serum. The serum is natural and contains no additives, parabens, sulfates or preservatives. Because of this, there is a shelf-life to the serum of approximately 6-9 months. When used religiously, the roller can do wonders to the skin. I was impressed with how tighter and visibly clearer my skin looked after using the Banish Roller.

Here are some of the PROS and CONS of this product

  • Does not need battery nor electricity to work
  • Each roller can be used up to 10 times
  • Skin is tight and clear after using
  • Dark spots and acne scars were minimized
  • It does not leave scars or wounds after use
  • Banish is less expensive compared to other rollers

  • Painful (especially for people with low pain tolerance)
  • Product has to be shipped from the U.S.
  • Leaves skin reddish after use (down time of at least 2 days)

Here is how my skin looks AFTER using the Banish Roller

Banish Roller comes in 3 different sizes to target different areas of the face/body. The 50 MM roller made my skin red-ish and it really hurt, considering I have high pain tolerance. It was especially stingy on the areas near the bones like the forehead, temple and jaw! But rolling it on the cheeks and chin were fine. After applying the serum and after a few minutes, the redness eventually faded. And in 2 days, you will notice tighter skin. After prolonged use of the roller, your skin will improve and you will notice that the pores that used to be so huge and noticeable have become smaller and less visible.

Important notes about the Banish Derma Roller :

  • Each roller should be used a maximum of 10 times only before purchasing another roller. The reason for this is to avoid any infection on the skin. Additionally, it is best to replace the needles as old needles can be dull and may injure the skin.
  • Store serum in a cool, dark place. When the serum becomes a golden yellow color, it means tit has oxidized. It is recommended that the serum be repurchased every 2 months as efficacy will fade over time.
  • Do not share the roller with anyone.
  • Please note that the scarring is damage to the skin and don't  believe any product or treatment will guarantee flawless skin overnight! It takes months, upon years, for the skin to heal.
  • Please use the Banish Dermarollers at your own risk. 

If you want to know more about this product, check out BANISH website HEREDon't forget to use the code RealAsianBeauty upon check out for $5 OFF your purchase on Banish Acne website!

* * *

Here is the side by side comparison of the 2 products 

                                   PMD           |           BANISH
Effective                      ✓                                      
Safe to Use                       
Can be used                                                   
Easy to Use                                                    
Showed Result            ✓                                       
No Pain Factor            
No Down Period         
Shipped from              ✓                                           
  the U.S. 

Overall, I think both products are great! However, each product targets different areas of the skin and works in different ways. The PMD works on the outer surface of the skin while the BANISH works on the inner layer of the skin. I recommend the PMD to people suffering from "aged" and greatly flawed skin while I recommend the BANISH to peeople with dark spots and visible acne scars. Both of the product works and they are both worth the money. The only things to be considered when buying are the skin type and skin problem.

Thanks for reading this long blog post. I hope I was able to help you decide which product works best and what you should get to help you improve your skin. If you are still having doubts or still has some questions, you can always leave them in the comments section below and expect my response in a few days. Be sure to check back for my reply!


* * *

FTC : The PMD and Banish were sponsored and were given to me for free but I was not paid nor given any amount of money to make this blog post / video. I was sent free units to be tested out and reviewed but all opinions are my own. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Intravenous Glutathione : Flawless Beauty Drip (IV Gluta for Skin Whitening and Anti-Oxidant)

Wow! I've been away from this blog that long?! Time really flies when you're having fun, huh? I didn't realize it was weeks ago when I last posted an entry on this blog. Are you guys still here? I hope you are!
Anyway, you know that I was a part of the first-ever YouTube Fanfest here in the Philippines. I was nervous and excited to be onstage along with top YouTube stars! One of the things that I worried about was my skin. I love my natural complexion but since I was going to be onstage, with all of you guys watching me, I wanted to do something to my skin so that it would look better for the YTFF!

Flawless has been my skin and beauty partner for years now. You guys already now my acne story and how Flawless was one of the reasons why I am ACNE FREE now, right? (You haven't read yet? Please click THIS to read my acne story.) I've had quite a number of treatments from them but I've never done anything really major. I wanted an instant glow and had to avoid any "down time" since I only had 3 days to prepare. 

My solution? The Flawless Beauty Drip!

The Beauty Drip is a treatment that will be given by IV Infusion and will last for less than an hour. Intravenous Infusion allows greater tissue saturation and allows the body to tolerate high doses required for immune system functionality and detoxification of the cells. 

The Beauty Drip is a cocktail of nutrients designed to deliver high antioxidant coverage, immune protection, stress defense and better skin glow! Those are important adjunct to the holistic approach to beauty. The Beauty Drip's main components are Glutathione, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin B Complex and Alpha Lipoic Acid.

Watch the video to see how the Beauty Drip is done!

Filipinos, and most Asians, are obsessed with lightening our skin tone. But I do agree that there are still many that love and embrace their natural skin color. It's just a matter of choice, I say. In the Philippines, though, there are two popular ways of lightening our skin : Papaya soap and Glutathione!

Glutathione is the antioxidant that is prevalent in every cell in the human body to promote normal cell function and is primarily synthesized in the liver where it is abundantly present. Glutathione increases our body's immune system and a detoxifier. It increases the potency of Vitamin C and E. Aside from these functions, glutathione is known to do the following  reduce tiredness, have more youthful look and rosy white skin and it also prevents premature aging.

I know you have questions! Is it safe? Can anyone have that treatment? 
According to Flawless, the suitability of each patient for this procedure is determined by the doctor. Currently, this cocktail of nutrients should not be given to diabetic patients with poor/unknown control of blood sugar or undergoing active maintenance of medications, pregnant women and known anemic patients. Known hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drip is a contraindication. Some of the common side effects include, but are not limited to : pain, irritation, inflammation or bruising at the injection site; sensation of warmth and flushing; vitamin taste in the mouth; change in urine or odor shortly after completion of an infusion session. Some patients may feel some lightheadedness or slight dizziness during and after the procedure, owing to the reaction of the body to the adjustment of the intravascular fluid compartment to the infusion. Systematic allergic reactions can occur, but are rare.

My experience

I'm not really the type of person that would faint with just the mere sight of needles and blood. But I do admit it was kind of scary to have an IV infusion. It was my first time to ever have such treatment so I did not know what to expect. I was not injected any anesthesia prior to the infusion but I did not feel the needle going through my vein at all! Though, it is scary to actually have a needle stuck in your vein. I'm talking like this because I have never ever been confined in a hospital nor have had any blood or IV infusion. The session did not last long and it was quite comfortable to be laying on the bed. I actually had my facial treatment while the infusion was on going. 
As for the after result, I did not notice a sudden change to my skin tone but I did notice that pimples did not occur on my face and my skin was smooth, moisturized and glowing! I came from the province the week before the YTFF but the tan that I'd always have whenever I would come back home was shed off! It was not ground-breaking since I only had 1 session but the result was amazing! No wonder celebrities love to get this treatment!
For the price, though, it was kind of steep! Especially if you have limited amount of money. I'd rather direct you guys to have Flawless Easy Peal or FNT Treatment. But if you have already done those treatments and is now looking for an "inner glow" then this one is for you!

And what's good is that they have a running 3 + 2 PROMO! That includes the Beauty Drip plus other amazing beauty treatments and services! If you avail 3 sessions of the Beauty Drip, you will get 2 MORE sessions for FREE!! How amazing is that offer??

Visit a Flawless clinic near you to know more about this Beauty Drip infusion and other Flawless services! Check out their website for more details!

Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment below so I know that you guys are still reading this blog. I'm sorry I was gone for too long! :(


Monday, May 18, 2015

Skin Update : 4th Session of FNT at Flawless (Fractional Needling Therapy)

A lot of you have been asking me to post an update showing my skin condition and how my skin looks now after a couple more sessions of Flawless' Fractional Needing Therapy. (I posted a comprehensive review on Flawless' FNT HERE.) FNT is one of my favorite treatments to get at Flawless! It works so well and leaves a really nice effect on the skin.

Be sure to read the review I did on FNT (here) before you proceed to this blog post! :)

So, it's Summer and we all feel hot, exposed to the sun, got darker and often sweaty. Those things often lead to bad skin or acne breakout. I noticed that my skin gets really bad in Summer because of the extreme hot weather we have here in the Philippines. I have been wanting to continue with my FNT treatment at Flawless but I knew I was going to go out a lot so I waited until all the events I had to go to were over.

Finally, I was able to go back to Flawless for my 4th FNT treatment!

Each session of the FNT is around Php 4,500. Pretty pricey but the result is really nice and it gets better with each treatment that you get. The treatment does not take a long time to finish but it does have a down side to it. It could get a bit stingy, especially if you have low pain tolerance. You also have to allot at least 5 days for the down period of your skin.

Anyway, here's me after the 4th session of Fractional Needling Theraphy. It doesn't look really bad but I was at the mall and my skin was super red so I opted to ask for a mask to cover my reddish face. 

And notice how I'm carrying a box of delicious J. Co Donuts! hehe

When I got home at night, I took a bath and washed my face with just water. It was really red but I was glad that it was not painful at all. Here's how it looked.

The first time I had FNT, my face was red and had ugly, dark spots on the cheeks, chin and forehead. But this time, I was surprised that the redness was gone the next morning. It looked fine so I was able to go out that day without having to wear a mask or feel ashamed of my skin.

I was surprised that the "down period" was almost non-existent this time. I was able to go out the entire week without having to worry about reddish skin or dark spots. Though, there was some minor peeling on the cheeks and jaw area. But they were fine as soon as I applied moisturizer.

On the 5th day, my skin was finally better. The peeling was over and the redness was totally gone! I said hello to a new, brighter and clearer skin. I also really, really like whenever my skin looks tight because that way, my pores become less visible.

I'm not sure, though, why the photo appears reddish/brownish. It could be because of my new hair color so my skin also appeared darker. But it was really better in person! I was so happy!

If you were wondering, here's my current skin care. Yes, just 2. I always make sure I don't use a lot of products after a face treatment. I want the treatment to take full effect on my skin so I always avoid putting on a lot of products that could trigger the acne again.

For better comparison, here's how y skin looked BEFORE and AFTER my 4th session of Flawless' Fractional Needling Theraphy.

I noticed that a lot of people have been curious about Flawless' Easy Peel ever since I posted about it. That treatment is also nice as well as FNT. I really can't decide which one I like the most because they both work so well, leave the skin with great result and also they both belong to the same price range.

I hope you like skin update! Let me know if you like the idea of me posting a monthly skin update and showing my current beauty products!

Thanks for reading!


Friday, April 24, 2015

Things That Cause Your Acne!

Have you ever slept with good skin and wake up the next morning with horrible spots on your face? They literally grew overnight! Have you? I have! In fact, that happens to me often. It even gets to a point where I'd have good skin in the morning and then have huge and red spots right in the afternoon. My pimple spots grow in an instant!
If you have experienced that but still don't know where you may be getting your breakout from then this blog post/video is for you!

Some of the known reasons why we get acne are hereditary, hormones, stress and dirt. But those reasons are quite known to many already. In the video, I decided to talk about unpopular/unknown things that cause acne!

Please watch the video here :

Some of the things that I mentioned in the video are : your cellphone, your make-up brushes and sponges, your pillow cases and towels, your hair and so much more!

Now that you know the possible causes of your sudden breakout, you can now at least try to avoid doing or using those things. I know it does get so frustrating how a good skin could become bad in just an instant! That is our dilemma, people with imperfect skin. (Sigh!)

Anyway, I hope you guys found the video helpful. 

If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to leave a comment below. Better yet, send me an e-mail so we could talk privately.

Good night!


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Renew Placenta Classic Herbal Soap Review

I have heard a lot about this Renew Placenta soap. I finally got a bar of it so I thought of reviewing it here. When I got it, I was already using a lot of products so I asked my Mom to use it instead. Just like me, my Mom also has problems on her skin, mostly dark spots and pigmentation. 

Before we get to the actual review, let me tell you first a few things about Renew Placenta Soap.

Renew Placenta is an Herbal Beauty Soap that promises to whiten and give an anti-aging effect to the skin.  It has natural placenta extracts that cleans, refreshes and whitens the skin. It also increases moisture and suppleness of the skin leaving it young, smooth and white.

WHERE TO GET IT : Mercury Drugstores and other Supermarkets in the Philippines

PRICE : Php 100 per bar

Honestly, I was expecting it would be a white or clear bar since the box says "placenta" but to my surprise, the soap bar comes in orange color, like a Papaya and Kojic soap.

My Mom has very sensitive skin so a simple scratching will lead to scarring. She has lots of dark spots and her skin is also starting to show signs of aging. It also doesn't help that she likes scratching her skin a lot so she often gets lots of scars.

Here's her skin BEFORE and AFTER using the Renew Placenta Soap: 

In the left photo, you can see that her skin had very dark spots, some seem to be fresh. She also had dark skin and some very visible pores. There are also lines around her eyes that make her skin look tired and old. 

In the right photo, 2 weeks after using the Renew Placenta Herbal Soap, you can see that the skin became lighter and tighter. It's also amazing how the fresh wound on the area near the mouth dried up and the dark spots and scars became lighter and less visible. Her skin also looks a bit younger now because it became supple and smoother.

I was actually impressed with this soap. I see my Mom use a lot of products to help her with her dark spots and scars. Few of the products she have used worked but some of them were just expensive and ineffective. I was impressed because the soap is inexpensive but it worked on her. I asked her what she thinks about the soap and she said she actually liked it!

She is still using the soap until now and I have seen that her skin became tighter and smoother. The dark spots are even more less visible now.

So, that's how the Renew Placenta Soap works. I have also recently gotten the complete set of this brand. I loved how it worked on my Mom so I will use the complete set on me and will update you guys on the result. Please stay tuned!
Thanks for reading our blog today!
