Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Intravenous Glutathione : Flawless Beauty Drip (IV Gluta for Skin Whitening and Anti-Oxidant)

Wow! I've been away from this blog that long?! Time really flies when you're having fun, huh? I didn't realize it was weeks ago when I last posted an entry on this blog. Are you guys still here? I hope you are!
Anyway, you know that I was a part of the first-ever YouTube Fanfest here in the Philippines. I was nervous and excited to be onstage along with top YouTube stars! One of the things that I worried about was my skin. I love my natural complexion but since I was going to be onstage, with all of you guys watching me, I wanted to do something to my skin so that it would look better for the YTFF!

Flawless has been my skin and beauty partner for years now. You guys already now my acne story and how Flawless was one of the reasons why I am ACNE FREE now, right? (You haven't read yet? Please click THIS to read my acne story.) I've had quite a number of treatments from them but I've never done anything really major. I wanted an instant glow and had to avoid any "down time" since I only had 3 days to prepare. 

My solution? The Flawless Beauty Drip!

The Beauty Drip is a treatment that will be given by IV Infusion and will last for less than an hour. Intravenous Infusion allows greater tissue saturation and allows the body to tolerate high doses required for immune system functionality and detoxification of the cells. 

The Beauty Drip is a cocktail of nutrients designed to deliver high antioxidant coverage, immune protection, stress defense and better skin glow! Those are important adjunct to the holistic approach to beauty. The Beauty Drip's main components are Glutathione, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin B Complex and Alpha Lipoic Acid.

Watch the video to see how the Beauty Drip is done!

Filipinos, and most Asians, are obsessed with lightening our skin tone. But I do agree that there are still many that love and embrace their natural skin color. It's just a matter of choice, I say. In the Philippines, though, there are two popular ways of lightening our skin : Papaya soap and Glutathione!

Glutathione is the antioxidant that is prevalent in every cell in the human body to promote normal cell function and is primarily synthesized in the liver where it is abundantly present. Glutathione increases our body's immune system and a detoxifier. It increases the potency of Vitamin C and E. Aside from these functions, glutathione is known to do the following  reduce tiredness, have more youthful look and rosy white skin and it also prevents premature aging.

I know you have questions! Is it safe? Can anyone have that treatment? 
According to Flawless, the suitability of each patient for this procedure is determined by the doctor. Currently, this cocktail of nutrients should not be given to diabetic patients with poor/unknown control of blood sugar or undergoing active maintenance of medications, pregnant women and known anemic patients. Known hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drip is a contraindication. Some of the common side effects include, but are not limited to : pain, irritation, inflammation or bruising at the injection site; sensation of warmth and flushing; vitamin taste in the mouth; change in urine or odor shortly after completion of an infusion session. Some patients may feel some lightheadedness or slight dizziness during and after the procedure, owing to the reaction of the body to the adjustment of the intravascular fluid compartment to the infusion. Systematic allergic reactions can occur, but are rare.

My experience

I'm not really the type of person that would faint with just the mere sight of needles and blood. But I do admit it was kind of scary to have an IV infusion. It was my first time to ever have such treatment so I did not know what to expect. I was not injected any anesthesia prior to the infusion but I did not feel the needle going through my vein at all! Though, it is scary to actually have a needle stuck in your vein. I'm talking like this because I have never ever been confined in a hospital nor have had any blood or IV infusion. The session did not last long and it was quite comfortable to be laying on the bed. I actually had my facial treatment while the infusion was on going. 
As for the after result, I did not notice a sudden change to my skin tone but I did notice that pimples did not occur on my face and my skin was smooth, moisturized and glowing! I came from the province the week before the YTFF but the tan that I'd always have whenever I would come back home was shed off! It was not ground-breaking since I only had 1 session but the result was amazing! No wonder celebrities love to get this treatment!
For the price, though, it was kind of steep! Especially if you have limited amount of money. I'd rather direct you guys to have Flawless Easy Peal or FNT Treatment. But if you have already done those treatments and is now looking for an "inner glow" then this one is for you!

And what's good is that they have a running 3 + 2 PROMO! That includes the Beauty Drip plus other amazing beauty treatments and services! If you avail 3 sessions of the Beauty Drip, you will get 2 MORE sessions for FREE!! How amazing is that offer??

Visit a Flawless clinic near you to know more about this Beauty Drip infusion and other Flawless services! Check out their website for more details!

Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment below so I know that you guys are still reading this blog. I'm sorry I was gone for too long! :(


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How to get FLAT and SEXY Tummy!! | Flawless Shape and Sculpt Review (Before and After)

Summer still isn't over so you still have 101 reasons to stay fit and in shape!

They say the perfect time to prepare your body for those sexy dresses and skimpy bikinis is the time right after Christmas season. I've been trying my best to follow my 10-minute morning exercise but there are times when I just feel lazy to do so. Working out is the most natural way to be in shape but you also have to admit that it takes a lot of patience, time and effort. 

That's why I am so excited to share to you guys a body treatment that I recently had at Flawless clinic.

Flawless Shape and Sculpt is a four-step program that helps you achieve that body you've always wanted minus all the unnecessary pains and downtime. It's a ground-breaking method that effectively combines four of the best scientifically-based slimming techniques available out there to create a solution that goes beyond eliminating fat by making sure that each patient's body is left smooth and properly toned and lifted.

You may think that a slim and petite woman like me will automatically have super flat tummy but you're wrong, my friend. Due to my sedentary lifestyle, my tummy sometimes get flabby. That's why I really need to work out every morning.

Here's how my tummy looks before the Shape and Sculpt Treatment :

Please watch the video to see the Flawless Shape and Sculpt Procedure and the live Before and After :

For the first time ever, I had my treatment at Flawless inside their "private" room! Yay!

Each session of the Shape and Sculpt starts from Php 1,000 up to Php 5,000, depending on the area to be treated. It will last for 15 minutes up to 30 minutes depending on which area you want to get done and how much you body requires. You can also have 2 treatments per day as long as the 2 areas don't have the same sweat exit. 

A gel will be applied on the area to prevent the Shape and Sculpt device/machine to hurt your skin/bones during the treatment. 

The first part is for the fat trimming while the second part is for muscle toning. The treatment does not hurt at all but my concern is that it tickles so much! This could be an issue especially if you are the type of person that gets tickled easily. (harhar)

Since I don't really have a lot of fat to shed, my treatment only lasted for 15 minutes. At first I was really skeptical because I thought only procedures that need needles are effective. But I witnessed with my own eyes how the very short 15-minute was able to shed centimeters from the waist line! 

Here's how my tummy area looks after the Flawless Shape and Sculpt Treatment:

I was Bikini-ready after the treatment! I didn't even bother doing my 100 sit-ups routine for 3 days after the treatment. I was that confident that I'd still look good, fab and toned!

The #FlawlessSummer Promo runs from April 10 - May 30, 2015. Flawless is offering 25% OFF on select body services like Shape & Sculpt, Back Cleaning, Underarm Whitening and Body Scrub. 

So hurry and run to the nearest Flawless Clinic to enjoy their promo while Summer is still here!

Thank you for reading today!
