Saturday, January 3, 2015

Vlog : Life in the Province Part 1

Most of the time, I get so busy with the fast-paced life here in the metro that I forget I have people waiting for me back in the province. Tarlac, though hours away, have become my second home. Like an escape haven for me. I love going there and just relax and spend time with people I love.

I recently went there to visit my grandparents and to attend my second cousin's wedding.

From Manila, I have to travel 3-4 hours away by bus. The bus ride is not that long but it always seems too long for me because I am always excited to get to my destination.

I have also seen people get older, grow up, get married, change and leave here. My first cousins, who I used to stay there with, are all now in the USA. My second cousins who live there are mostly married and have moved to another country. The people left still available to "play" with me are the younger ones. Is it weird, though, that I still hang out with the kids? hehe

Please watch the video here :)

The moon that night seemed happy for me as well. 

I wish I could just stay there forever... but I can't. I have so much good memories and experiences in Tarlac that I will be sad one day when I can't visit anymore. Why? Okay, quick story! All of my aunts and uncles and my father and cousins are in the USA. The only ROCES in our family left here in the Philippines are my grandparents and I. My grandfather is currently bed ridden. My grandmother said that when my grandfathers goes, she'd rather be sent to a home for the aged somewhere in Manila than to stay in the province alone. That's going to be so sad... The thought of my grandfather leaving... and the thought of not being able to go back to my second home... But that is life, yes? They say the only thing permanent in this life is CHANGE. 

That was a sad way to end a blog post. hehe I cut all the Tarlac vlogs in 4 parts so please stay tuned for the other 3 episodes. ^^

How about you, where is your province and what are your good memories from there?

