Thursday, December 10, 2015

Food Vlog : Trying Filipino Snacks (Pinoy Chichirya)

A lot of you guys tell me that you enjoy the food vlogs that I do. It may not show in my petite body frame, but I do like eating! hehe My sister, Karen, came here to the Philippines for vacation. Since she also does YouTube videos, I decided to do a food vlog with her. 

Our food vlog is different from the usual food vlogs I do where I eat at restaurants with a friend. This time, I decided to feature some famous snacks here in the Philippines. Some of them are so famous that I have been eating them since I was young! 

These are the Filipino snacks that we ate in the video!

If you are Filipino, which among the 10 snacks is your favorite or did you eat when you were younger?

I really enjoyed doing this video with Karen! I was impressed that she did not complain eating any of the snacks. Though, I admit she does look awkward in the video. Hehe But, don't judge! She's also like that in person. Hehe She is soft-spoken, shy and reserved. But she's a really sweet sister! Here are some of the still shots I took from the video.

Please watch us by clicking that triangle thing in the middle!

If you noticed in the video, there were some voices behind the camera. Those were our "cameramen" and "assistant"! Hehe our cute nephews in Tarlac!

Can you imagine cute little boys doing YouTue videos?? Hehe They are my favorite nephews, David, Gabriel and Charlie! (I miss them now that I am back in Manila!)

After opening each packet of snack and after I finally shouted "CUT", they immediately grabbed the snack the munched on it! How cute? I thought we could still eat all the snacks after filming the whole video, but they also finished everything as soon as we were done filming. Hehe

One of the things that we did in Tarlac when my sister and I went there was to EAT. Eat, eat and eat! 

I hope you enjoyed our "Filipino Snacks" video. 

I want to know what your faorite snack is so be sure to leave a comment below.

I am also on Instagram, show your love by following @RealAsianBeauty!

