Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How to Remove ACNE in Photoshop

Since I always talk about acne and different ways of getting rid of it, I thought of teaching you another way to remove it. Err, at least in pictures.

These days, it has somehow become a norm to use filters and other photo editing apps to make photos for Instagram and for Facebook a whole lot better. Here is a quick tutorial on how to remove your acne using Photoshop!

Th photo that I used in the tutorial was taken in 2012 when I had severe acne breakout. However, I thought it won't be appropriate to make you guys cringe because of the sight of my ugly acne so I decided not to post the "before" picture. Be sure to watch the video to see it!

I hope you like this quick tutorial. I thought it would be nice to have a tutorial in a different genre but still has something to do with skin and acne.

Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions by leaving a comment below.

