Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Achieve Makeup Goals with Sleek Makeup

Last Saturday, I went to Sleek Makeup's event. It was a day where Bloggers get to achieve our Makeup Goals and create our own Makeup Transformation. Sleek Makeup helped us achieve our transformation using their cosmetics.

I love going to events of brands that I really use. I use Sleek's Cream to Powder Foundation because it's not as oily as other foundations and it dries to cream so it's perfect for my skin type. I also love that it conceals my acne spots and my open pores.

Here's my face before the transformation. Before leaving the house, I only applied my favorite Sleek Cream to Powder Foundation, did my eyebrows, applied eyeliner and swiped on lipstick. This is my go-to look!

We were asked to do our own makeup. Since I usually wear light and nude makeup, this time I decided to apply dark colors on my  eyes and nude color on my lips. We were able to use all these Sleek cosmetics!

The goal was to create a look that is different from the makeup we often do. According to Sleek Makeup, my look is often K-pop and Korean inspired. Because of that, I created a look that is different from my usual look.

I was also able to try their Matte Me Lip Cream for the first time! It was pigmented but was a bit drying, in my opinion. However, when it comes to staying power, I have to say this is quite good since I applied it at 11AM and it was able to last until my friend's wedding at 4PM!

They also had hair stylists at the event that helped us complete our transformation.

Yes, I have wide forehead! Hehe

After a few hours, this is the look I came up with. What do you think? I used purple and dark brown colors on my eyes and the Matte Me lip cream in Birthday Suit.

Before and After.

With my fellow bloggers : Joyce, Shebby, Say and Bing. 

This is not a look I'd wear on an everyday basis since I have flawed skin. Yes, it's my very nice Casio camera that works wonders on my skin! Hehe But, because I have flawed skin, I noticed that thick makeup only makes it look worse. So, I always prefer to look natural. But for special days like this, it's nice to have a bit of change, right?

We also had a quick photoshot! Wow, I feel like a celebrity here already! Hehe

I haven't gotten the HD copies from Sleek Makeup but here are some LQ photos that the photographer took using my camera.

It was a fun day! After that, we were given a loot bag with some Sleek Makeup goodies inside to let us play with at home... or maybe, use in a tutorial? I am excited to try the Translucent Powder and the Blush Palette!

After this event, I went straight to Intramuros for my friend's wedding! Wow, a wedding in Intramuros! And even , SUNSET! It was so beautiful. Should I blog my friends wedding? Speaking of weddings, a lot of my Facebook friends have been getting engaged and married... while I? Still remain single! That is why I don't look at my Facebook Timeline these days. What I don't know won't hurt me, right? Hehe I'm now praying for my Mr. Right Guy. Where are you??

Thanks for reading and have a great Wednesday, everyone!

