Friday, December 26, 2014

Kodanda Archery Range Experience

Daryl from the Walking Dead and Katniss from the Hunger Games, what do they have in common? They have bows and arrows and they shoot! 

I recently went to an archery range in Makati Square called Kodanda to try their archery range. Here's what happened!

Kodanda Archery Range
Location : Makati Cinema Square, Legaspi Village, Makati City

We just had a little time finding the place because we weren't familiar with the venue. I am a girl from Quezon City so exploring new places and streets in Makati somehow scares me. hehe Good thing I was with a friend, Burn!

Kodanda is derived from the sanskrit meaning "He who has a bow".

When you go to Kodanda, the only thing you will need is to wear a pair of rubber shoes. Everything else will be provided to you. Unless you are a professional archer or have acquired it as your hobby, then you may want to bring your own bow. Look at this awesome bow the man brought to the range. Reminds me so much of the metal bow Daryl uses to slay the walkers. hehe

PRICE : Php 550 per hour
Inclusive of range fee, equipment rental and instructor

I have never tried archery before so I was so excited to try it. When we got to the place, we had to wait about 10 minutes because the range was a bit full and the instructors were all busy attending other students. 

I just had a bit of a problem with my instructor. She speaks so fast like "do this, do that, don't do that, don't do this, that's wrong, this is correct, etc..". I am a teacher and also do tutorials on YouTube. I have learned to somehow speak slowly when teaching, especially when teaching something to first timers. You can't really expect first timers to be as fast as you are, do you? But she spoke way to fast for me to even catch up. Good thing, the guy instructor that my friend has was kinder and helped us more. He guided us well and seemed really patient, especially with first timers.

Okay, now we are ready to shoot!

I was told I would be given 1 hour to use the facility. But since I brought a plus one, we were only both given 30 minutes each. 

Oh, when you go to Kodanda, be sure to wear something appropriate. I wanted to wear something that would cover my underarms so I wore this top. But I really should have just worn a shirt. The last thing you'd want is to care about your top or hair. I also wore the wrong shoes! hehe Wrong outfit in general.

Okay, here goes!

Do you hear it? "This girl is on fire... This girl is on fire.." playing on the background! hehe

Not the kind of board we were expecting, though! hehe But it was so, so fun! I never thought archery was so fun!

Try and try until you hit the bull's eye!

The guy trainer taught us this was the proper way of retrieving the arrows.

30 minutes were too short for something as fun as this activity! 

Yay, I hit the yellow target!

Our 2 trainers.

So that was my Kodanda Archery experience! It was really fun! When we were there, there were a group of high-school girls. It's so nice to see girls their age do something unique yet wholesome and fun! I would have loved to do this with my friends if only walk-in archery ranges were available when we were younger! hehe

Invite you family and friends for a fun experience at Kodanda. They have a promo running!

