Showing posts with label Events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Events. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2016

YouTube Fanfest in Manila 2016 - YouTube Creator Camp

YouTube Fan Fest is the biggest gathering of YouTube content creators, both local and international. Every YouTube Creator's dream is to make it on the stage of YTFF! Not only to share the same stage with top international creators, but also to be able to see the cheer of the fans and to experience the goosebumps feeling after!

I was one of the lucky Filipino Creators that made it to the first-ever YouTube Fan Fest in Manila last 2015. Until now, I consider that as one of the greatest achievements of my YouTube career. Click HERE to see my YTFF 2015 experience.

This year, though, I was not part of the main show anymore. BUT, I was privileged enough to make it to the YouTube Creator Camp. 

It was held at the Blue Leaf Filipinas in Manila last May 25,  2016.

Whenever I go to events, I try my best not to compare the present event from the previous event as I know, things can never be the same. Though, I want to note that I liked the venue of the YouTube Creator Camp this year as it was more spacious. The attendees were able to move around more freely.

I also usually do not expose my whole name on the internet. But because it's YouTube, okay, I'm doing it!

Like what I often tell my friends, I love my job! I love my job because my boss is awesome! Where can you find a boss that lets you work at home, when you want and where you want, no fixed schedules, won't let you come to work when you're sick, let's you be as creative as you want, a job that lets you go on vacation whenever you feel like going and most of all, a job that does not require you to wake up early every morning! Yup, my boss is YouTube and He (or She) is awesome!

So, after registration, I was treated like a VIP, somehow. My event-buddy and I were assisted to the holding area. When we got there, some international YouTubers like Alex Wassabi and Wengie were there. When I looked at Wengie, the seat to her right was still unoccupied so I immediately sat beside her. Oops, I hope I did not look creepy to her. 

And, OMG! Do you like Wengie? I have to be honest that although I know her name and her face, I have never watched a single Wengie video. But, O to the M to the G! Wengie is the sweetest and the most down-to-earth YouTuber, ever! She was sitting there, sipping her coffee alone. She even went to the restroom alone like she doesn't know she has 1.2 Million subscribers on YouTube. Instead of being with the famous ones, she chose to sit beside the aspiring YouTube creators when we had lunch. People like her is really my career peg. I'm not sure if you guys have noticed, but I always, always make it sure that I keep my feet on the ground no matter what achievement I get. I never think that I am above anyone else or more popular than somebody else. That exactly was how Wengie was when I met her. I was so inspired! She got 1.2 Million subscribers in 3 years and she is even more humble than some people I met with only few thousand subscribers! I love Wengie!

Oh, she also loved my Casio Exilim TR60 Selfie Camera that she even took a selfie using it! Haha She has super smooth skin but notice how my camera made her skin even more flawless!

After breakfast, she went to the activity area to have her solo panel. Though she was wearing simple and comfy clothes, she still stood out because of her pretty hair and her milky-white skin!

While she was wearing comfy clothes, there I was, wearing cropped top, pleat skirt and high-heels! 

11:30 AM was my schedule for the Panel Session. I was alongside Say and Connor Franta. Though this was not my first YouTube Fan Fest participation, making it to the Creator Day as one of the Panel speakers was such big honor. To me, it meant that YouTube believes in me and actually sees something in me, that I myself  fail to see sometimes. Maybe Creativity, maybe Honesty or maybe Sincerity...

The crowd was quite big. It also got a bit awkward for me to talk because when I looked to the right corner of the seats, almost all the beauty creators were there. I thought to myself, what else do I still need to teach these already creative beauty creators? Good thing, I looked to the left and saw newbies and aspiring YouTubers. I hope they were able to learn a thing or two from me!

Have you ever wondered if your favorite star or singer sees you when they're onstage and you're in the crowd? The answer is this...
We only see the lights, mostly! Hehe It's so funny how some fan-fics would be like "And He saw me there, standing in the crowd... Our eyes locked and I knew right there and then that He fell in love." Like, okayyy... HOW??

My boyfriend event-buddy is always so supportive. Before I went onstage, he kept reminding me to smile and be friendly whenever I would answer a question. He also took like 1,678 photos of me while I was onstage! Hehe

YTFF -check! 
Supportive boyfriend event-buddy -check!

Though, the audio was so bad during our Panel. The echo was so bad that we couldn't even hear our own voice. 

Good thing, the audience stuck with us and remained attentive! 

*Okay, bae. I'm all smiles now! Happy??*
Yes, yes! Even Connor is smiling and he is smiling at YOU!

In case you are curious, here are the questions Say, Connor and I answered:
  • How did you get started on YouTube?
  • What steps did you take to begin building this community?
  • What challenges did you face?
  • How do you plan your programming around your fans and community?
  • Any rituals or special lingo you have adopted for your community to identify themselves to your channel?
  • Methods you've used to build value around your community and engage with your fans?

Not a lot of people asked me for a photo this time. I guess most of them do not know me or have seen me before that they do not feel the need for another photo with me anymore. Okay, beh! I'll just take selfies, nalang! Hehehe

Some sweet followers that were also present at my YTFF 2015 Meet and Greet went to me for a photo. Thanks, guys! Meron palang may kilala sa akin! Hihi

After that, we went back to the holding area where we chilled with your favorite YouTubers! Also got the chance to film vlogs with them and take photos together!

Here I am with Connor. He was also amazed with my Casio Exilim TR60 Selfie Camera. He said he has never seen it before and it's awesome!

Since we had a lot of free time, we decided to hang-out... in the rest room! Hehe Beauty bloggers will always be beauty bloggers! Oh, this was my Selfie idea! How cute, right?? ^^

It was then time for lunch. Now this right here is something new that they did not do last year. Aspiring YouTubers got to mingle with their favorite YouTubers over delicious lunch! OMG, I could just imagine what I would have done if Ryan freakin' Higa was there! Maybe, everyone would have been blurred and my eyes would have been focused and glued on Ryan. Wait, do I sound like a creepy fan?? Haha I can't help it! I'm hanging out with all these famous YouTubers while the ONLY YouTuber that I ever want to meet is somewhere in Hawaii, filming or editing a video. I have been a lamp since his How To Be a Ninja and Big Bouncing Green Ball videos!

*Okay, Kristine! Calm yourself. Ryan Higa was not there...*

After lunch, we went back to the activity area for few more sets of Panel Talk. My friend, Ana Victorino, had hers at around 1PM. 

Of course, I will never forget to take an OOTD picture. Do you guys like my outfit? This is one of my #AffordableOOTD! 

I recently started this series where I post a photo and the prices of the items of my outfit. Here is my Affordable OOTD Number 1.

When we were almost done with the Creator Camp, I took the opportunity to take photos with some of my friends...also known as 'Famous People on the Internet"! Hehehe

Ana Victorino - featuring the side profile of Alex Wassabi

Ana Victorino v2.0

Joyce Sola - the girl that always teases me... Hehe <3 span="">

Kris Lumagui

Lloyd Cafe Cadena

Mikey Bustos

The last photo I took before leaving Blue Leaf was with Ana Victorino. Ana is one of the people on YouTube that I sincerely like. We have worked several times together : YTFF 2015, Beauty Bound Asia, Cetaphil... and she is just real and honest. And also, super pretty even without makeup on! We went night swimming when we were at The Farm and she was glowing even in water while I looked like a jelly fish! Hehe 

I hope you enjoyed reding my YouTube Fan Fest 2016 blog! Our YouTube channel will only get better and bigger so please stay tuned and don't loosen your grip! I will also be coming out with exciting videos + an exciting surprise soon! Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel @RealAsianBeauty HERE.

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

YouTube Creator Day in Manila!

In case I haven't told you yet, I love my job! I even love my boss and my company! I just love being a YouTuber. It allows me to be able to do what I am most passionate about -beauty! It also allows me to meet people, go to places, try things while still being able to bring food to my family's table.

Last April 16, 2016, I was invited by YouTube to be a Panelist at the YouTube Creator Day here in Manila. Creator Day is an opportunity for creators in the Philippines to get together, connect with larger community and learn about a range of different aspects of starting and growing a great YouTube channel.

For the Creator Day in Manila, they wanted to focus on talking about growing local talent and content. The speakers focused on Creators who make content that celebrates Filipino nuance and culture. It was a day where YouTube Creators got to hear directly from successful YouTubers and got inspired by their amazing journey and stories.  The audience of the Creator Day were aspiring and emerging local YouTube Creators.

The event was held at Costa Coffee in Bonifacio Global City.

YouTube event is one of the events that I love going to. Aside from it being my favorite job in the world, YouTube also never fails to get the best venue,best food and best people to attend their events!

I'm not sure if I told you guys yet, but I am reserved and quiet in person. (Some people even mistake it as being snob. How sad!) When with a large crowd, I like to sit at the back and just observe people. I'm friendly but I'm not the typical social butterfly. In fact, I often end up being a wall flower. Hehe And that is why, I don't have a lot of friends in the YouTube and Blogging world.(That's also how I am in real life. I like to have small yet intimate group of friends. I have few friends but I stay loyal to them! Hehe) So, if you guys see me in person and I'm just quietly sitting at the back, please feel free to approach me and talk to me. I'm not snob, that's just how I am.

Anyway, that day, I made a new friend named Michelle Dy. I know her name and her face but I haven't met her until this day. She got my number and texted me if we could go to the event together since she had to come from Ilocos all the way to Manila. You know how it's like to meet someone for the first time and connect with them instantly? That's how I felt when I met Andy Centeno, Ana Victorino and Camille Co for the first time. You will never feel intimidated by them despite their fame... And that's also how I felt when I met Michelle for the first time!

By the way, we are both Casio Exilim Camera lovers! I used my Casio Exilim TR60 to take this selfie (Err, Two-fie) of us!

I'm so honored to be part of the YouTube Creators that have already surpassed 100.000 YouTube Subscribers! You see Lloyd Cafe Cadena, Ana Victorino and Alodia Gosingfiao in the picture.

Oh, yeah! I forgot to tell you guys that I was one of the panelists at the YouTube Creator Day. I spoke alongside Lloyd Cafe Cadena and Wil Dasovich. The audience was quite huge so I was a bit nervous. But I tapped myself at the back after it because I was still able to pull it off! Hehe

It's fun that the 3 of us were the panelists since we come from different genres. Lloyd does comedy, Wil does vlog and I do beauty videos. That's an all-in-one package right there!

The 4 Main Questions that were covered were:

  • What inspired you to start making videos on YouTube?
  • Who was your first subscriber?
  • Share interesting Fan stories.
  • What can we expect from you in 2016?

Su-Zen, YouTube Partner Manager, also asked specific questions to each of us based on our channel and growth. The questions were pretty casual but I  still tried my best to share my stories and experiences since my ultimate goal this day was to inspire creators to be the best they can be and to always be different than the rest! Because being different is how you stand out from the crowd. It may not get you a lot of views or followers but it will surely leave a mark to your audience and followers.

The floor was also opened for audience questions that we answered based on our YouTube journey.

It was a fun panel, especially since Lloyd made it more light and fun! He kept inserting jokes and funny comments every now and then! Such a funny person!

#SQUADGOALS! Insert my favorite girls, Ana Victorino and Keren of BeautyKLove in this picture for a really awesome YouTube Beauty Creators magazine cover picture! Hehe

It was such a fun event! Another day that I was thankful for because I was able to share my stories about my YouTube journey. It was also special because a special person accompanied me to the event. Hehe. After that, we went to McKinley to see the Gondola ride. What a great sight to end a great day!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading today!

Also, I'm thinking of having a Meet and Greet to celebrate my 5th Anniversary on YouTube. I want to know if you guys would be interested to participate in it and celebrate with me? Please comment below so I know how many people to expect and to invite!


Friday, April 1, 2016

Nature Republic Store Launching at SM Mall of Asia

I don't always go to blogger events. So when you see me post about one, it's either the event seemed so interesting to me or because I love the brand so much that's why I went.

It's the second reason with this event. Nature Republic is one of my favorite Korean brands. Not because EXO is the endorser of it, okay? Hehe! I just love their nature theme and I love their products!

Anyway, Nature Republic recently opened their branch at the SM Mall of Asia. I was one of the lucky people present at the event.

Nature Republic's branch at the Mall of Asia can be found at the Entertainment Mall, 2nd floor, near the Premier Cinema.

Don't you just love how their store screams "NATURE"?! It's mostly green you see everywhere!

I love informal blogger events! The kind of event where I can just be myself. I especially like it more when there's not a lot of people around. I don't know, guys. I guess I'm just really too reserved for big blogger events.(And now, you're wondering why I am even a blogger! I'm too shy and reserved! Hehe)

Anyway, the agenda for the day was simply to SHOP! How cool is this event?Hehe I was given a certain amount of gift certificate to choose whatever Nature Republic products my heart desires!

Guys, who else is in love with Korean face masks??

Have you guys tried any Korean brand nail polish?You must try it! Most are good quality and super pigmented! I am in love with Nature Republic nail polishes in particular! They have a lot of colors to choose from! And the best part, each bottle only costs Php95 each!(About USD2 each.)

Though I have to warn you that Korean polishes usually take too long to dry on the nails and get thick and tacky in the bottle easily!

OMG! I fell in love with this corner of the store. While the other bloggers were looking at the beauty products, I was at this corner, spazzing over the cute boxes! What are these boxes you ask?

Oh, nothing! Just super cute EXO hand creams and lip balms that would make any EXO FAN seriously crazy! I know for sure because I am not really a hardcore EXO fan but I fell in love with these cute boxes! Nature Republic gets an A for Creativity!

Though, the drawing on the box don't look like them 100%...

The Lip Balm costs Php365 while the Hand Cream costs Php395. The hand cream comes with 2 tubes and a signed photo card!

If you know me, you know which EXO member I picked and bought!

With my fellow blogger, Kaycee... or Kat! Hehe

Tris, Bing and Joyce were also there! Notice how 3 of us were all wearing long and flowy skirts! How cute?!

After shopping, I was about to leave the store when Ricamille of Nature Republic handed me this huge tote bag. When I looked inside, it's filled with Nature Republic goodies!!

And because I am such a tease, I won't show you what products I got from Nature Republic just yet. Instead, I will show them to you in another Haul Video! Yay!

Our new YouTube video schedule is every Wednesday and Saturday at 3:00 PM sharp, that is GMT +08:00! It's Saturday tomorrow so that only means our new video will be up. Please stay tuned!

Thanks for reading and good night, my loves!
