Showing posts with label Vlogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vlogs. Show all posts

Friday, May 13, 2016

Mom's Day Out on Mother's Day (#FlawlessMom)

More often than not, our Mother's get too busy that they forget to take care of themselves. They are too busy preparing food, working for the family, taking care of the kids, attending to the needs of the family, going to the grocery, beautifying the house and a lot more! My Mom is a guilty offender of that. Sometimes, I look at her and feel that she now neglects her self. When I was younger, she used to be so vain but the vanity slowly fades as she gets older. I even feel guilty sometimes when I pamper myself and buy myself expensive stuff and then I see her at home, looking plain and dull.

Thankfully, Flawless came to the rescue! They had this awesome idea to pamper my Mom on Mother's  Day! 

Flawless is the country's preferred aesthetic beauty clinic for face and skin. They were also the reason behind my flawless skin now. They took care of my skin when I had the severe acne breakout a few years ago.

There are lots of Flawless branches in the Philippines. You can check out this link to find a Flawless clinic near you.

Actually, Flawless and I planned this surprise for my Mom. She thought she was just going to accompany me for my regular Flawless treatment. Little did she know that it was her that was going to get pampered by Flawless.

I love the colors that I see! White background and pink everywhere!

Anyway, this was our drama. So, my Mom thought that it was me that was going to have a Flawless treatment. But when we got to the clinic, I told her that she's going to have a treatment as well since I need it for my blog. She was then asked to go inside to proceed to her treatment room. When she go there, a beautiful bouquet of pink roses, a Flawless purse plus a sweet note from Flawless welcomed her.

She was so thrilled to see the pink roses on her bed. Don't you guys love it when you prepare something for your Mom and then she ends up appreciating it? The look on her face tells that she loves her bouquet so much!

Please check out this short video I took!

I asked her if it was her first time to ever receive this kind of bouquet. She said it was indeed her first time. Aww! I'm so grateful to Flawless for coming up with this surprise for my Mom!

Her first treatment was a relaxing Body Scrub

This is one of Flawless' most popular services. This treatment removes dead, dry and rough skin, evens out skin tone and improves skin texture therefore leaving a natural glow. It also restores the luster to dehydrated skin and invigorates dulled senses, leaving skin feeling smooth and younger looking.

While my Mom was being pampered, I borrowed her bouquet to take some pictures with it! Hehe

After her relaxing body scrub, she then went outside the treatment room to have a facial treatment. Oh, yes, my Mom is a gamer! In the picture, you see her playing some sort of a farm game. She also plays Candy rush, Papa Pear and other Facebook games! ^^

This time, she had the White Advanced Facial.

This facial restores the balance of the skin look through moisturizing and smoothening for a crystal clear and rosy complexion. The results include a noticeably brighter complexion, a more even skin tone, transparency in old acne scars and discoloration from the sun.

Thanks Flawless' attendant that day, Hana, for making my Mom feel pampered and relaxed! 

That is my Mom's Blogger-face pose. Hehe I want to thank Flawless for this Mother's Day surprise for my Mom.

 Most importantly, this surprise won't be possible without the mastermind, Ron Paolo Luna, Junior Brand Associate of Flawless. He is my Flawless Fairygod Brother! Hehe (Photo was taken on another day since he was too shy to take a photo with us this day.)

So how did you treat your Mom last Mother's day? If you haven't yet, it's never too late! In fact, it doesn't have to be Mother's Day just to take you Mom out. If you are a Mom yourself then you also deserve to be pampered! 

Also, if you visit any Flawless branch now until May 31, 2016 and spend a minimum of Php3,000 on a single transaction, you will also get this Flawless Mom's Purse! Yay!

Happy Mother's Day to my Mommy!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there! I know a have a lot of Mommy readers so this greeting goes out to all of you beautiful Mommies! Virtual hugs and kisses for you, my ladies!


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Daily Routine: Life of a Blogger! ❤︎

Ever wondered what full-time Bloggers/YouTubers do on a daily basis? A lot of "Routine" videos are going around on YouTube. But instead of doing the morning routine or night routine, I thought of doing a Daily Routine Video! Yay!

There are many Pros and Cons in being a full-time blogger. But if I were to mention just one Pro, that would be the part where I get to do the things that I love when I want to do them! That is like absolute FREEDOM! I know I may sound like I am bragging, but please trust me when I say that I am not. I'm just really grateful that I'm able to experience this while I'm at the prime of my age. ❤︎

I really enjoy being a full-time blogger and as of now, I really can't imagine myself doing anything other than this. I was wondering if I could still do this when I get married or have my children... Hehe! Will you guys still watch my videos and read our blog then? I hope so!

What's your favorite day of the week?

I really put a lot of effort filming and especially editing this video. I hope you watch and enjoy it!

So, what did you think of the video? Did you like how I edited it? Hehe

A lot of people commented that they think I have luxurious life. I don't. Trust me. Thinking of it now, I should have included the part where I did the laundry, washed the dishes, mopped the floor and made dinner for my family! Hehe

I know what else is on your mind! You noticed my room and you want me to do a Room Tour video! Hehe I am working on that, so please stay tuned! I just need to add some more decorations and arrange some areas of it then we're good to see a room tour video!
However, my room is super tiny. Would you be okay with that? Please let me know below. I don't want to get negative comments for having a tiny room,you know. Hehe

Don't forget to leave a comment often! Because this is my face everytime I get a nice and sweet comment from you guys! I especially love it when you guys talk to me as if we're friends in real life! Be sure you are Following me on Instagram @RealAsianBeauty and have Liked RealAsianBeauty on Facebook!

Also, remember to leave a comment on this blog post and all our other posts. Because for this month, I will be picking the winner of the giveaway from this blog. The person with the most number of comments on this blog will get all these Green Stuff from me!

Thanks for reading, my loves!


Friday, March 11, 2016

Vlog: Junca Hair Salon + New Camera (Casio TR60)

I recently discovered a new salon, it's the Junca Salon near ABS-CBN. It's a high-end Japanese salon that recently opened. I'm happy that I got to try it first. Today, I'll be sharing my experience at Junca.

This is what I saw when I went to the salon. I thought there was a press conference but turned out, this is just the usual set up at Junca.

LOCATION: 58 Sgt. Esguerra Avenue, South Triangle, Quezon City

This is the interior of the salon. I was impressed because it doesn't look like the other salons I've been to. I really like the simple and modern interior that they did.

I know you missed our vlogs so I decided to film a video. I also got a new camera that I am very excited to review for you guys! It's my dream camera, the Casio Exilim TR60!
I hope you enjoy the video.

Let's be honest, one of the things that people want is to be treated as a VIP. Junca Salon has a VIP area for their VIP customers. It looks so cozy! I also like bright rooms with natural light from the sun so that's one of the things I appreciate about Junca Salon.

Because it's a Japanese Salon, of course they offer new hair technology to their customers!

Hey, girls and guys! I'm on Instagram! Please follow me if you haven't yet! User name is @RealAsianBeauty!

One of the new treatments that I've tried is this hydrogen infusion that infuses nutrients to the hair in a safe and non-damaging manner.

Have you guys heard of COLD HAIR IRON?! I tried it for the first time at Junca Salon! Instead of ironing hair using heat, they use cold/frozen treatment. This is called the Amino Acid hair treatment. 

They will apply the cream on hair and then they will iron the hair to let the hair absorb the cream. What makes this different is that they uses cold hair iron! How amazing is that?? I was impressed when I tried this new hair technology at Junca!

I really appreciate service workers that are eager about their work. My attendant that day, Rose, was very nice. I liked how she took care of me and made me feel really pampered.

By the way, a lot of you guys have been asking about the contact lenses that I use these days, It's the World Series Lenses that I got from I just alternate the colors Brown, Gray and Blue. I love it because though it does not look very natural, it looks subtle compared to lenses that have thick, dark circle around it. It also comes in three-tone color so the lenses pop against my dark brown eyes.

I had my haircut, too. Though I have to be honest that I did not like my haircut. It was plain and wasn't very appealing. I wish the stylist put more layer or curve to my hair when she cut it. I also think she should smile a bit more so her customer would feel more comfortable with her.
Looking at this picture, don't you agree she needs to smile more at her clients?

This is the final result of my hair makeover at Junca Salon! Yay! What do you think?

Because my nails were already ugly, I also decided to get my nails done.

Though I am a nail artist, I have to admit I haven't tried gel nail polish before. It's not because I am way behind the trend but maybe because I am not yet ready for that kind of commitment. I mean, 2 weeks with the same color is too much for me! I need to change it at least every 4 days!Hehe

I was excited to try the gel nail polish service at Junca!

If there is one color I can stand being with for 2 weeks or so, that color would definitely be PINK!

This is how it looks on my nails. The brand is not Orly but I just decided to put the nail polish around my hand to make the photo picturesque! Hehe

Thanks so much to Junca Salon for having me over as one of the first bloggers to ever visit their salon! Yay!

Here is a mini OOTD picture! Hehe
A photo posted by Kristine Roces (@realasianbeauty) on

Do you guys miss me doing OOTDs?I miss it, too! I wish I could get my DSLR from Canon back and meet a new fiend that would be willing to take my photos so I could post outfits for you guys again!

And in case you have not heard yet, I GOT A NEW CAMERA!! I've been announcing this everywhere so it's impossible that you missed that one great news! Hehe

It's my dream Casio Exilim TR60! You see Xiaxue and Cheeserland use this camera and now you will see me with it, too! Yay! I used this camera to film this Vlog video and to take all the photos in this blog post! How impressive!

I got my Casio Exilim TR60 and my other Casio Exilim cameras from Camerahaus! Such a relief that now, I won't have to go abroad or order online just so I could get the latest Exilim cameras! And you won't have to, either. Camerahaus now sells Casio cameras! Yay!

For more details about Casio Exilim cameras, check out Casio Philippines Facebook Page HERE.

Thank you for reading today! Please stay tuned for a new video that I am editing now. Should be up Saturday or Sunday this week.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Korean Language Elementary 2 at KCC (Korean Cultural Center)

After 3 years of studying Korean Elementary 1, I decided to pursue Korean Elementary Level 2. This is something I have been planning to do since 2014 but I just didn't have enough time to do then. I promised I would study in 2015 but I was always out of Manila and couldn't commit to a 4-month term. Luckily, I had the time to do it this year! 

I felt that it was such a big accomplishment to be able to start doing something I've been meaning to do as early as January! 

Luckily, KCC or Korean Cultural Center still offers affordable Korean Language classes! It did increase Php1,000 but still very affordable!

KCC Location : Mancor Coporate Building, 2/F 32nd Street, Taguig, Metro Manila

Tuition Fee per Term : Php 2,500 for 72 hours (Twice a week, 3 hours per session)

Website : Visit for more information!

I decided to film a short vlog and document my enrollment process as well as my first day of school at KCC. Enjoy watching! ^^

What so nice is that the tuition fee already includes the Textbook and the Workbook! I said this before, for the price of the tuition, you're almost just buying the books and getting taught for free... or vice versa!

The book is so good! The instructions and explanations are so easy. If you have finished the term and know someone interested to self-study, you can let them borrow your books and they'd still learn. The book is so good and easy to understand.

Though, I would strongly suggest going to proper school. Because I self-studied Basic Korean before and took me about a year to learn and master everything, While when I took Elementary 1, my knowledge in Korean shot to 300% in just 4 months!

If there's one thing I hate is the schedule of Elementary 2! Before enrollment, I was sure I was going for 6 PM - 9 PM schedule since I had my Elem. 1 class in the morning and it drained all my juices. Not the studying part, but the traveling part! OMG, I'm referring to you MRT!!! But came enrollment day, they only opened 1 slot - 9 AM to 12 Noon. That left me with no choice but to take the class. 

If you already know Korean and have taken previous classes, I also suggest going to the next level immediately. I stopped studying for 3 years so now I am having hard time remembering vocabulary words I already memorized and speling of words I already master before.

But I won't give up! Some of my goals in studying is to be able to watch Korean Dramas without the need of subtitle and to be a translator at a K-pop concert someday! Universe, please make it happen! :)


Saturday, January 2, 2016

What I Got for Christmas - Instagram Shoutout -2016 Resolutions

Happy New Year, everyone! This is our first blog post for 2016. What did you guys do on New Year's eve? I go on my Facebook and see a lot of food photos and family photos from my friend's reunions with their relatives. I just spent it at home with my Mom, Step-dad and Fluffy. It was small and simple. Next time (December 2016), I'd like to celebrate big and grand for a change! Hehe

Anyway, on the eve of New Year, I decided to film a quick video to show you guys the things I got for Christmas. 

Here it is!

I did not get a lot of things for Christmas because I just work at home. So I did not have any Christmas parties to attend nor Monito or Monita to exchange gifts with. I also was not able to meet my friends because they were all busy with their families. That's one of the downsides of just working at home, you guys! However, the things that were given to me were still all appreciated.

One of my favorite stuff is the Instax Camera in Pink! Yay!! I have only taken 3 photos using it, though, The film is so expensive that I want every photo I take with it to be worth the Php 36 pesos per shot. Harhar

The next day, January 1, I also just stayed at home. (Haaay, the life of a home-based worker. Some people complain that they have to work on holidays while I long to go out, even on holidays, because I'm always just at home. NOT that I'm complaining, though. I love my job! I'm just trying to compare.) I stayed at home and decided to organize my stuff. First, I organized all the products that I got for 2015. 
This is just half of all the products I got for 2015. Some of them I have used already and some of them I already gave away to relatives and friends. One of the things I'm thankful for is that I was able to work with brands and companies last year. It's overwhelming to think that these known brands trusted me to work with them I'm really so grateful!

Next, I organized my coins. Last year, I kept all my changes and coins in two separete containers. One for the 5 and 10 Pesos coins and the another one for the 1 Peso and other coins. I guess breaking piggy banks on New Year will bring luck! I hope!

Do you guys have piggy banks at home or do you keep your coins? Let me know in the comments section below! I want to know that I'm not the only one that do this. :)

New Year is also the time for a New Look! It's been a long time since I last had full bangs ala Koreana. What do you guys think? 

My 2016 Resolutions :

  1. Drink lots of water and sleep early.
  2. Be consistent in uploading videos.
  3. Save more money.
  4. Spend less on material things but more on experiences.
  5. Love myself MORE!

So, that's the latest update on your favorite Filipina blogger's life. 
That literally made me choke... and cringe! Lol 

How about you guys? I want to know how you spent the first day of your 2016! Leave them in the comments section below! Happy New Year, my lovely readers! Thank you for always reading! Mwah!


Sunday, December 13, 2015

December Vlog : I Lost My Cellphone!

Christmas is the busiest month for us here in the Philippines. We celebrate it the entire month, we have parties and gatherings the entire month. It's when families and friends gather, reunite and rekindle the old times. Sad but true, this is also the time when the "bad guys" flee the streets! Why? Because they know, people have money in their wallet, new gadgets in their bag and so much more!

I am not the type that's careless and inattentive when taking public transits. In fact, I purposely make myself look "annoyed" when taking public transportation so as to bug off potential pick pockets, maniacs and "holdapers". But as they say, you could be careful your entire life but that one day you lose focus is also when you unfortunately get caught. 

So, I lost my cellphone. Well, it was stolen. In my bag. That was zipped close. 

And this is why, my friends, I am now telling the world that I am voting for Mr. Duterte.

Please watch the video below to find out the story and hear my rant. Well, a bit of sobbing, too!

If, for some reason, you can't watch the video or if you'd rather read, then let me tell you what happened and how I got robbed. So, the latest MODUS OPERANDI of these bad guys is "SABUNOT" or Hair Tugging/Pulling. 

What happened. (I want to pinch myself every time I would remember this story!)

It was December 8, 2015 when I decided to meet my cousin that works in Ayala in Makati. I am depressed these days and being in my room just doesn't help. I needed and wanted to go out so I asked her if we could meet in Glorietta. After waiting for 2 hours for her to get off work since she had an over-time, we finally met. I wanted to see the lights at Ayala Triangle since I have not seen them yet. Unfortunately, because we went to McDonalds first to grab some dessert, we failed to see the lights show. I was sad because we were right there just in front of the place but we missed it! It was getting late and my cousin had to go home. I took the bus with her without thinking. Later, I realized I was on the wrong bus and if I don't get off, I would be on the opposite side of where I should be traveling to. So, I got off. Since I was not familiar with the place, I called my friend that once worked in Makati to ask her where I should ride. I, not even once, didn't think there were bad people in Makati! I worked in Ortigas for 5 years and have come to somehow trust the place. But, Makati? (What is the Mayor there even doing?!!OMG.) Anyway, I took the bus going to Monumento. I was crazy for not taking taxi since I always take taxi especially when going home late. I don't know what I was thinking, really. Maybe, I was not thinking at all! 

I rode a bus at Ayala Avenue. It was somehow near the area where Ayala Triangle is. It was around 10 PM. So, I was on the bus and sat beside a woman. I always feel dizzy when the air-con is right above my head. Since the air stopper was not working, I decided to transfer to the back. Unfortunately, I sat beside a guy in late 20's who somehow felt he was as handsome as Alden Richards. When I sat beside him, he probably felt I found him cute. So, he started making "pacute" and kept on staring at me. I was so annoyed. Later, I noticed he kept on moving his shoulder just so it would touch my body. YUCK!! So, I had to call his attention for that. I told him "Ano ba ang manyak mo naman! Kanina ka pa naniniko!" Blah, blah, blah. I think I may have sat beside a narcissistic guy. I have never, in my entire life, saw a guy as rude as that guy! OMG. He shouted at me, cursed me and said rude, rude words. I only called his attention because I felt it was not right that his elbow was touching my body and he responded by being a total douche bag. He didn't stop talking and the bus was crowded and I felt dizzy and I was depressed, so I just turned to the other side of the seat. 

Just right then, a man pulled my hair from the back! It was so bad that I had to hit his hand just so he would stop pulling it. I thought it was just a mistake since hair would sometimes get pulled when passengers hold the seat while walking. But what he did was so painful that I had to hit his hand hard to let my hair go. Then, he walked passed me and I had to call his attention as well. He shouted and said "Kung ayaw mo masabunutan mag taxi ka! Ang arte arte mo!" It was chaotic and people were in front of me. I thought it was just a usual crowded bus. I got so pissed off because how can men be this rude to a small, petite woman like me?! I stood up, and then transferred to the front. Since all seats were taken, I had to stand up. A few minutes later, the same area I left earlier (the place beside the woman with the air stopper that was not working) was a guy sitting. He stood up and offered me his seat. I even said thank you! I thought he felt bad for me because I just encountered a maniac guy and a guy that pulled my hair. I felt relieved that a guy offered me his seat!

When I was along Shaw area, a passenger that was getting off told me "Ms., check mo gamit mo. Mga mandurukot yata mga yun." then got off. I was puzzled because I had a sling bad that was around my body at that time and it was always in front of me. I checked my bad and to my surprise, MY CELLPHONE WAS NOT THERE ANYMORE!!!
I immediately went to the maniac guy and asked him to take out my phone. I thought that maybe while he was trying to distract me with his elbow, his other hand reached to my bag and took my phone. Again, he was all rude and nagging! He kept on shouting at me as he opened his bad and checked his pockets.

Then, some of the passengers told me that it was the guy that pulled my hair, the guy that offered me his seat and 3 more guys that took my phone. They said they saw a white Samsung phone and they were replacing the sim card of it. They got off at Buendia Station.

And that my friends, is how my cellphone was stolen.

The manic guy? Well, he kept on nagging the entire time until I got off where I was supposed to get off. 

* * *

What I lost.

I cried on the bus and when I got home. And the next day. And the day after that, Until today. I cried not because I lost a Samsung phone. I do feel bad that I lost a phone I bought for P35,000++ thousand, yes. But more than that, I cried because I lost memories. Videos and Photos. Not just selfies or food photos or photos of my dog. But, memories that would never ever happen again. Memories I can never get back.

  • My Sim Card that I have been using for more than 10 years now.
  • Php 300 Globe load I just loaded that morning.
  • Viber chats that I treasure and re-read when I am sad. (Sadly, no backup! Ahhh)
  • Screenshots of messages...
  • Photos and Videos of my Grandfather and Grandmother that both passed away in August 2015. Those were videos of them when they were still able to talk and they told me stories, told me they missed me, told me they love me... ALL GONE!
  • A letter that I treasure that I kept at the back of my phone case.
  • Photos and Videos that I took from the day I got my phone until a week before it was stolen...
  • Photos and Videos when I traveled to Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Malaysia. Photos and Videos of my stay in Tarlac. The place where I am not sure when I can visit again. Photos and Videos of people I am not sure when I can see again or if I would see again.

* * *

What I learned.

I learned that nothing in this world really is permanent. Not even memories. That sometimes, even memories could be stolen. So the best we can do is to really just divulge and enjoy a moment as we are on it. We could take thousands of photos and videos to remember it, but those memories could be hacked, could be damaged, worse could be stolen! And the sad part is that, the person that stole it won't even care how much you value those files. It would only take a few minutes for him to reformat the gadget. Then, poof! All you memories gone! I learned that memories in our head and in our heart are truly memories that last. I learned that feelings are the best memory keepers. That how someone made you feel is what you will remember forever. Not how cute you looked in the picture or how bubbly you were in the video.

I also learned that it is important to back up! Backup, backup, backup!! I do this when I am editing a video. I have the regular file and then I Save As it using another file name just in case the original project crashes. I was so not thinking when I just left all those videos and photos there on my phone thinking I'd have them forever. I didn't even transfer to my laptop or hard drive. Well, I was actually thinking of doing it soon when I get the time. So there, another lesson learned! Always do now what you can do. Later may be too late and tomorrow may never come.

* * *

What I will do.

Because of this, I am now 100% voting for Mr. Duterte! I am so tired of this dirty country. Sad and hurtful but true. We are dirty in every sense of the word. We need a reformat, if that is even possible to do in a country. I would want to wake up in a city that is trash-free, pollution-free, drug-free and crime-free. Or at least, lessened. I am so tired of having to look annoyed in public transportation just so pick pockets would not steal my things. I am so tired of having to be paranoid in public when I ride tricycle because I'm scared the driver would drive to a far place and rape me. I am so tired of watching the TV and hearing all the bad news about bad people doing bad things. I am just so tired! And I mean, aren't you? Yes, you could be rich, have your own car and not have to worry about anything because you live in a secure place. But, would you wait until that day your "safe world" becomes unsafe? We need a change! We need it now!

My dream is someday, we could be as safe and as prosperous as our neighboring Asian countries. People in Singapore and in Japan take pride in their country. And that's why you see tourists flock their country. My dream is to be able to text my Mom that I am on my way home at 11 PM while walking the streets and be freely able to hold my phone without being paranoid. My dream is for the Philippines to be just SAFE. Yes, a SAFE COUNTRY!

Because, right now, it is sad but true, the Philippines is a very unsafe place to be.
