Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Casio EX-MR1 Selfie Camera Review

Last time, I reviewed my Casio Exilim ZR3500 Selfie Camera. Now, I'll be reviewing my Casio EX-MR1 Selfie Camera. I LOVE Casio cameras because they are perfect for people like me-SELFIE lovers! 

I discovered Casio through my favorite blogger, Cheseerland. She raved about how perfect the camera is and has been using it since then until now. I don't regret getting my Casio ZR3500 Flip Screen Camera. Please CLICK HERE if you want to read my review on that camera.

The difference between the Casio ZR3500 and this CASIO EX-MR1 is that the ZR3500 is flip screen while the EX-MR1 has a unique "mirror" that is covering the lens. Flip screen is not needed anymore because what you see in the mirror is also the exact same image that the camera will take. The ZR3500 is quite pricey while the EX-MR1 is super affordable!

PRICE: Php 6.995

WHERE TO GET IT: Camerahaus Outlets (Or check their Facebook Page HERE)

COLORS: White, Pink, Mint Green

This Casio EX-MR1 has a 14MP compact camera with an extra wide angle zoom that starts at 21mm. According to Casio, this feature is optimal for taking self-portraits, or SELFIEs!

Most "Selfie" cameras use flip screens to let the user see how she would appear in the picture. But if there is a disadvantage to that, it's that it only encourages the shooter to look away from the lens when capturing the image. Casio's idea in placing the lens directly in the center of the mirror is to ensure eye-contact and to allow the photos to look more natual. You can now check out your reflection while taking pictures! User can use it like a hand mirror and see how easy and convenient taking selfies has become!

You are probably wondering where the flash is. I also asked that question when I first held this camera. But to my amazement, this camera does not have a flash rather it has a LED light! How cool?? So you can either turn it off, turn it on or leave it to Auto. You can also use the LED light when you take videos! It's so cool, OMG!

I love taking selfies using this camera! And you know what?It's also perfect for taking photos secretly. Hehe Because it doesn't look like a camera, people wont know you are actually already taking a photo. So, even if you are a tourist in the middle of Times Square or in Shibuya, you can be alone in the street and take selfies using this. People will just think you are checking yourself in the mirror. So, no more weird stares from locals. hehe

Here are some sample photos I took using this Casio EX-MR1 Camera.

Since it is a Selfie camera, here are sample Selfies!

Outdoor Selfie
Outdoor is the most advisable place to take photos using this camera as the image would appear sharper and brighter. In this photo, the Makeup Effects Filter was not turned on so you seen some spots on my cheek. YES, it also has the amazing Makeup Effects feature!

Indoor Selfie

This image was taken indoor but it was inside a mall so it was still bright. Though, you would notice that the image is now grainy. But the Makeup Effects was turned on so you can see that my skin appears smoother! Yay!

Outdoor Scene

Taking photos of sceneries or places is also perfect outdoor as the colors appear more lively and vivid. It also has wide angle lens so it takes a photo of the whole view without having to step back.

Indoor Scene

This is an example photo taken indoor. As you can see, the colors are still vivid and the picture is still quite sharp! It was also able to capture the whole view even though I did not go too far back.

Taking food photos using this camera is also nice because the colors are real and the lens also blurs out the background so the focus of the image is all given to the subject!

Just like with the food shot, it also blurs out the background when taking macro objects such as flowers. I love how it was able to capture the details of the petals!

ART Shot

It also has my favorite feature of the Casio ZR3500, the Art Shot.

Here is how the photo looks when taken under normal conditions and normal settings.

(Normal Photo)

After selecting the Art Shot filer, here's how the image looks.

(with ART Photo Filter)
This effect creates dark edges and alters the hues to make the image look like they were shot by a toy camera. This effect is perfect for arty Instagram photos.

Speaking of Instagram, this camera also has WIFI features that would let you transfer your photos straight from your camera to your phone. This will allow easy sharing and updating on your SNS accounts like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! How convenient?!

Here is a sample photo that I took using my EX-MR1, transfered to my phone and then uploaded right away on my Instagram account! (Follow @RealAsianBeauty on Instagram!)

Instagram Photo

And those are just some of the reasons why this camera is a nice selfie camera! The mirror design is so sleek and unique! The makeup effects is a blessing to people with flawed skin like mine. And the WIFI feature is perfect to allow you to update your followers with your newest SELFIE! Hehe

I am so excited to tell you guys that CASIO cameras are NOW available here in the Philippines. No need to order online anymore! Get your own Casio camera only at CAMERAHAUS branches. There's one in every mall so be sure to check them out and check out Casio cameras. 

Check out Casio Exilim's Facebook Page HERE for more information and promos.

I swear to you that you will not regret buying a Casio camera, EVER! Thank you for reading our blog today!


1 comments so far

Hi! How about the video quality? Does it have auto-focus feature on video too? Will be waiting for your response. Thank you very much!
