Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My 30 before 30 Bucket List

Exactly 3 months from now, I will be turning 30. It makes me cringe to even think how I will soon be a 30-liner! It's not that I think 30 is old but it's just because there's still so much I want to do and want to accomplish! But as they say, age is just a number and life is what you make it. So, before I hit 30, there are few things that I would like to tick off my bucket list. I want to make the most our of my life!

Here is my list of 30 before 30! Most of the things written here are things I wrote on my mind 2-3 years ago. Things I wanted to do then and things that I still want to do now. Though, I decided I would be too harsh on myself if I would try to do everything before I am 30. My 30th is just 3 months away! So, I am making this list as 30 on 30. These things are things I want to do while I am in my 30th. I still have 1 year and 3 months! Yay 

(I will go back to this post ad re-edit until I have done and accomplished all 30 things.)

The reason why I am sharing this is because some of you may also be turning 30 soon. Let this be your guide as well and see if you have done or haven't done yet the things I have on my list. Ready? Let's start!

1.) Watch a K-pop concert live. 

2.) Learn how to drive a car.

3.) Be featured on T.V. 

4.) Reach 300,000 Subscribers on YouTube. 

5.) Be featured on Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho or Kris TV.

6.) Travel out of the country. 

7.) Kiss a person I love under the rain and under fireworks.

8.) Meet Ryan Higa in person.

9.) Run a marathon and Go to the gym.

10.) Ride the MRT from North to Taft; get off at each station.

11.) Eat exotic food. 

12.) Own an Instax camera. 

13.) Confess crush/love to someone.

14.) Give Mom something expensive bought with hard-earned money.

15.) Sing heart out at Videoke. 

16.) See a shooting star. 

17.) Travel to Japan and Korea.

18.) Go inside a mansion. 

19.) See Cherry Blossoms in person.

20.) Ride a Ferris wheel with a person I love.

21.) Go to Boracay.

22.) Build a snowman.

23.) Watch a movie alone.

24.) Wear couple outfit and couple shoes at a theme park with someone I love.

25.) Learn a new language. 

26.) Participate in a volunteer/outreach program. 

27.) Travel alone.

28.) Offer to babysit a friend's child for a day. 

29.) Write a book then have it published.

30.)  Fall deeply and sincerely in love.

I can't wait to live 2016 to the fullest! I am excited for all the good things that will come! I am excited for all the blessings and opportunities that I will receive! I am excited for all the new people I will meet and new experiences I will have! 

What's on your Bucket List? 

