Sunday, August 30, 2015

1st Year as a Full-Time Blogger

August 2015 is almost over. Just one more day and we'll be welcoming the "ber" months. But do you know that something else is happening this month? I am celebrating my FIRST YEAR as a Full-time Blogger!

A year ago, I decided to leave my job as an English teacher to Koreans and decided to take another road. The road to becoming a full-pledge YouTuber. So, on the last day of July 2014, I bid goodbye to my loving students and to my friends and colleagues. I was so excited at first because I wanted to give more time to my passion. But when it was time to say goodbye, I was also sad. True enough, there's no happy goodbyes. Every single goodbye may open a new door but it will always make one feel sad. On the last day ,I even asked myself why I decided to resign from my job. 

Thankfully, God gave me so much answers to my questions. He not only gave me a lot of blessings and achievements, but He also gave me a lot of TIME. Because of that, I was able to do more and achieve more! 

Let's look back in the past year that happened. If you are a new reader, then let me take you down my memory lane and tell you the things that happened on my first year as a full-time blogger.

Featured on BUS TV
On the start of the journey, I was blessed to be a part of the BUSTV Bloggers campaign. RRCG buses in Manila played some of the YouTuber's videos on board. My videos were one of the videos that they showed their passengers.

Traveled Out of the Country TWICE
I have to be honest. One of the main reasons why I left my previous job was because they din't allow me to take a one-week off from work for my Hong Kong trip. I wanted to stay in the office but when my request wasn't fully granted, I took that as a sign that it was finally time to leave and move on.

I was blessed with TIME to be able to take trips out of the country. My Hong Kong trip was my first out of the country trip ever and it was so fun and memorable!

Hong Kong


After a few months, I took another trip to Singapore! It was also fun and memorable. I would love to go back to Singapore and explore the country again.



Attended K-pop Events

Because I have so much time and leaving the house any time or any day wasn't an issue anymore, I was able to attend more blog events! Some of the memorable ones were the K-pop press conferences that I covered. (Though, I am still waiting for the day I get to attend INFINITE's Press Conference! At the Infinite Effect, Ms. Happee Sy?)



Attended Vloggers Meet-up
I was able to attend a vlogger's meet-up where I met a lot of aspiring vloggers and YouTubers. It was so nice to be able to share to them some of the things that I know and have learned about being a YouTuber.

Hit 100,000 Subscribers on YouTube
After 3 years of being on YouTube, we finally hit 100,000 subscribers! I got this Silver Play Button from YouTube as a token and it is now tagged as one of the most prized possessions I have!

Visited Tarlac Often
Since I have more time, I was able to go to Tarlac often. I was there monthly since December 2014. Thank God I did go back. The last time I was there was in 2009. I hated myself somehow because I forgot how much I loved the place and the people. Glad that I was able to go back and spend time with the people that I love!

Took Oout of Town Trips
Because I have no fixed schedule, no boss and no curfew, I am able to take more trips! I went to Baguio and to Pangasinan with my relatives. Just some of the things I know I won't be able to do if I were working full-time at an office.


Dasol, Pangasinan

Celebrated my 29th Birthday
I also celebrated my 29th Birthday with the people that are close to my heart. 

Hello Kitty Party with Friends

Pink Party with my Tarlac Relatives

Signed My First Exclusive Endorsement
I have promoted, reviewed and endorsed a lot of products and services. But none of them actually got me to sign an exclusive contract other than Flawless. I have been promoting their products and services for the past few years here on my blog. I'm glad they finally acknowledged me and got me as one of their blogger ambassadors! (That doesn't mean I will just promote their services without trying/being honest. As always, I will only review and recommend products and services that I like and believe in.)

Flawless Blogger Endorser

Took a Sponsored Trip
It is one of my dreams to be able to travel for free. Work and Leisure together! And it was made possible this year by Cetaphil. I was able to take a 3-day trip to Batangas at The Farm in San Benito.

Cetaphil's The Experience

Hit #1 on TopBlogs
I have always had this topblogs counter on my blog. I remember, though, when Camille Co and Laureen Uy also had this on their blogs, I was far back in number 56 or something. Through the help of loyal readers like you, we were able to climb up. Just a few weeks ago, we have finally reached the #1 spot!

Was Part of the YouTube Fanfest Manila
The last and final thing that happened on my 1st year as a full-time blogger was to be a part of the YouTube FanFest! It's a famous gathering of top YouTubers around the world. Last June, they had their stop here in the Philippines and I was blessed to be a part of the line up of performers on stage! I couldn't be more happy and grateful to YouTube because of this!

Every time I get questions whether I was able to reach my goal on YouTube since I started doing it full-time, the answer is always a NO. I only have 100,000 subscribers until now. Far from what I have imagined. But if you ask me if I am happy now, the answer is YES! Ask me if leaving my previous job to fulfill my dream was worth is, the answer is YES! There are some things fame can't replace and that is true HAPPINESS. For the past year, I may have achieved less than what I was imagining but what I failed to visualize was the happiness this journey would give me. I was able to go places and spend time with people that matter to me. And those things, I know, are things that I will be able to take with me until I get older. 

I am excited as I enter my 2nd year doing this full-time. This time, though, I promise to double the effort and be more passionate. I don't know for certain the things that will happen but I will always stay hopeful and positive. I hope you all stay with me and let's take this journey together!
Thank you, as always!
