Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Divisoria Back-to-School OOTD + Giveaway | DIVI Series Part 2

It's Back-to-School season once again! Here in the Philippines, almost every school implements wearing of uniform. But for some, the first day is an exemption. I remember when I was still a student, I would always be excited to go back to school to study, to see my friends again and to dress up and look nice! If you are a student, the only few times you are allowed to come in casual clothing are: Christmas Party, School Fair and the First-Day of School. But I also clearly remember not having a lot of money to shop for clothes back then. My solution to that was Divisoria! 

I decided to do this video for students that want to look good on the first day of school but don't have a lot of money to spend. I have also FINALLY gotten a model for my video, a concept that I originally wanted to do when I started on YouTube 5 years ago.

Enjoy the video!

My model for this video is Genna Rodriguez. She is actually my friend's cousin! Hehe I thought it would be nice to see someone else in our video instead of the usual, plain and boring me. Meheheh

Most of the outfits are below Php 500! That is really something students should be happy about. When I was still studying and didn't have any means to earn my own money, Php 500 seamed so much!

Here are the 4 OUTFITS shown in the video. ALL the items are from DIVISORIA!

Floral Dress - Php 100
Denim Polo - Php 300

Crop Top - Php 90
Bandana - Php 50
Ripped Pants - Php 300

Top - Php 90
Denim Pants - Php 300
Plaid Polo - Php 100

Pullover - Php 200
Skater Skirt - Php 100

I love all the outfits, especially outfit #1 and outfit #3! Those 2 are the outfits I would most probably wear, even though I'm too old to be going to school anymore. 

I styled the outfits, filmed the video and was the one that edited as well. I realized that it is so much easier to have models. It's also refrehing to see someone esle  instead of just me, don't you think? If you guys liked this idea, let me know so I could ask all my friends and cousins to be my models for my videos! Hehe

I hope you guys liked this video. Good luck to my readers that are going back to school/have gone back already! More than being famous on internet or having loads of followers on social media, it is most important to study first so you'd  have a clear road ahead of you.

Don't forget about our little Back-To-School Giveaway that is bound to end soon! ENTER while you still can!

Thanks for reading today!


Monday, June 20, 2016

DIY Ombre Hair Color Using Crepe Paper!

In case you haven't heard yet, coloring your hair using Crepe Paper is the newest fad! Ombre Blue and Puple or Green-tipped hair, anyone? This inexpensive school supply has got us covered! For only Php 10 each, you can now say hello to in-trend, ombre hair!

I just love inexpensive, D.I.Y. hacks like this! And the best thing about this is that it is not permanent. I mean, I wouldn't want purple tips for 6 months or a year! As a blogger, I have to consider that my purple hair won't go well with a red polka dot print dress. Hehe

Using Crepe Paper to dye your hair would give you vibrant hair color for 2 weeks maximum! I say, that is just perfect if you want to try something new for a short period of time or want to look extra-special for an occasion. And the best part? You won't have to spend too much! Php 20 is all you need!

Please watch the video for the full CREPE PAPER Hair Color Tutorial!

Frequently Asked Questions :

1.) Where can I buy crepe paper? 
- I got mine from National Bookstore. If you are not from the Philippines, check your local bookstore, art supply store or stationery store.

2.) Is Crepe Paper same as party streamers? 
- If you are pertaining to THIS, then my answer is YES.

3.) What is the salt for? 
- The salt helps the dyeing process to make the color bond more to your hair. If you are afraid this would damage your hair, feel free to skip this step. 

4.) Is it permanent? 
- Using Crepe Paper to color your hair is NOT permanent and will eventually wash off.

5.) How long will it last? 
- For people that have normal hair, the color lasts up to 5 days. Since my hair is coarse and chemically-treated, the green color lasted 2 weeks.

6.) I have black hair, will this work? 
- I am afraid it won't work, especially if you have "virgin" hair that has never been dyed nor treated before.

7.) How do I get rid of the color? 
- The color will fade overtime. But if you want to get rid of it before waiting for it to naturally fade, then you can go ahead and color the tips of your hair the same color as the roots.

8.) I'm 10, can I color my hair with this? |  Will it damage my hair? 
- Yes, baby girl! This WILL damage your hair! Since they use chemicals to dye the crepe paper, you are also basically using toxic to dye your hair. 10 is too young to try anything harsh. Please go ahead and appreciate the natural color and smoothness of your hair. :)

9.) Should I shampoo my hair after? 
-After soaking the hair for 15-30 minutes, rinse your hair and use your favorite conditioner to tame the dryness and prevent damage. Skip shampoo so the color sets and does not fade.

10.) Will it stain my clothes/pillows? 
- After the first wash, dry your hair completely before using any white or light fabric. After drying, it won't stain fabrics anymore. But just to be sure, use dark or black fabrics until the next day.

In case you were wondering what conditioner I used, I used my new favorite Palmolive Naturals Cream Conditioner! Yay! Have you watched the video I made regarding this product? If you haven't yet, please watch it HERE.

Here's how my hair looks in PURPLE!

Since my roots are in BROWN, Purple tips look a bit awkward. I also wondered why the ends became black instead of the vibrant purple that I wanted. Because I was so frustrated, I decided to dye the tips in Green the next day! I know, I know, that's torture to my hair.... But Brown>Purple>Black is just unflattering!

Then, I dyed my hair in GREEN! And the result was satisfying! No wonder, most people that dye their hair using crepe paper use green as well. Aside from the fact that it transfers the color to the hair easily, it is also the color that compliments brown the most!

I love this D.I.Y. ombre hair color hack! I recommend this to people that want to try something new but don't have the courage to stick with it for months and months. It is also a great way for people to touch-up their ombre purple, green or blue hair without having to spend thousands at a salon again!

Thank you so much for reading our blog today!
Let me know if you have tried this or if you would be willing to dye your hair using a school material. 
If so, which color would you pick?

Friday, June 17, 2016

Divisoria Haul | Divi Series Part 1

Divisoria is a famous shopping district here in the Philippines. It's the place to go if you want to buy inexpensive yet on-trend items!

I grew up in a humble home where going to Divisoria is just a normal thing. But as I go around YouTube, I noticed a lot of people, especially Filipinos, get more and more interested in watching Divisoria-themed videos. Hence, my so called DIVI SERIES. This is my first-time ever to do a YouTube series on my channel and I am just so happy and excited! In this series, I will be featuring stuff that could be bought in Divisoria. Things that you wouldn't know were actually from Divisoria if I didn't tell you.

Part 1 of the Divi Series is a usual Haul Video that you guys love. I went to Divisoria with my cousins and when I got home, I decided to film a haul video. The things that I got were all so cute, and cheap, of course!

I used to be so conscious of look whenever I would film a video for you guys. But since I wanted the haul to be authentic, I went ahead and filmed the video even though I had just gotten home. The response of the viewers was overwhelming, really! Many of them said I looked good in the video and praised me for looking natural. OMG! 5 years on YouTube and I have always stressed myself putting thick makeup before filming a video but never did I imagine that people would still appreciate my simple, almost bare, haggard look. Hehe

Watch the video below to see everything that I got from Divisoria. 

Seen the video? What's your favorite item? Mine would be the emoji plushies, camera-ish phone case and the bubble gun!

Let me know if you guys like shopping at Divisoria, too! I LOVE shopping there and I'm not even faking it. I just love how my Php 1,000 could go a long way while I would only be able to buy 1 or 2 items if I were to spend it at the mall.

Thank you for reading tonight, my loves!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Palmolive Naturals Cream Conditioner Review (Before and After)

The hair is a woman's crowning glory. Soft and silky hair is always an eye-catcher, most especially when it's long and properly groomed. That is why one of the things I can't live without is hair conditioner. I could skip shampoo but never hair conditioner! Why, you ask? It's because I have dry, frizzy and damaged hair!

I used to have really nice, straight and smooth hair, especially when I was younger. But as I was growing, and also due to the hot weather in the Philippines and due to frequent styling and use of heat styling tools, my hair got extremely damaged. I still try to bring my hair back to life by going to the salon and getting hair treatments such as Hair Rebonding and Brazilian Blowout.
But little did I know that those treatments just cause even more damage to my hair!

And, did you notice the subtle green color on the tips of my hair?Yes, I dyed it. And yes, I dye it so often that the ends get frizzy and brittle. OMG, now that I'm writing this, I just realized how bad I've been treating my hair.

I told you that I cannot live without hair conditioner. It's true, my Mom is my witness. Hehe I need it to tame my hair and to make it survive the day without me looking like an angry lion!

I have tried quite a LOT of hair conditioner brands as I am really obsessed with it.  I'm sharing with you a hair conditioner brand I am loving lately.
It's Palmolive Naturals Cream Conditioner!

Palmolive Naturals Silky Straight Conditioner moisture-rich formula, infused with extracts of Virgin Coconut Oil and Soy Protein, immediately relaxes out- of-control, frizzy and fly-away hair!

Here I am, dispensing some product on my palm. The smell of this conditioner is just so good! Palmolive has just the right scent to make you feel fresh and confident throughout the day.

I leave my conditioner on my hair for a few minutes to let the nutrients penetrate my hair strands. While I'm letting it stay on my hair, I usually brush my teeth or wash my face.

After applying the conditioner and rinsing and drying, my hair now looks silky and straight! I just love straight hair and I love that I am able to achieve that with just the help of a good hair conditioner- Palmolive Naturals Cream Conditioner!

Watch my Hair Transformation in the video below:

Now you can have hair that is so silky, you'd want to HAGOD over and over!


Thursday, June 2, 2016

YouTube Fanfest in Manila 2016 - YouTube Creator Camp

YouTube Fan Fest is the biggest gathering of YouTube content creators, both local and international. Every YouTube Creator's dream is to make it on the stage of YTFF! Not only to share the same stage with top international creators, but also to be able to see the cheer of the fans and to experience the goosebumps feeling after!

I was one of the lucky Filipino Creators that made it to the first-ever YouTube Fan Fest in Manila last 2015. Until now, I consider that as one of the greatest achievements of my YouTube career. Click HERE to see my YTFF 2015 experience.

This year, though, I was not part of the main show anymore. BUT, I was privileged enough to make it to the YouTube Creator Camp. 

It was held at the Blue Leaf Filipinas in Manila last May 25,  2016.

Whenever I go to events, I try my best not to compare the present event from the previous event as I know, things can never be the same. Though, I want to note that I liked the venue of the YouTube Creator Camp this year as it was more spacious. The attendees were able to move around more freely.

I also usually do not expose my whole name on the internet. But because it's YouTube, okay, I'm doing it!

Like what I often tell my friends, I love my job! I love my job because my boss is awesome! Where can you find a boss that lets you work at home, when you want and where you want, no fixed schedules, won't let you come to work when you're sick, let's you be as creative as you want, a job that lets you go on vacation whenever you feel like going and most of all, a job that does not require you to wake up early every morning! Yup, my boss is YouTube and He (or She) is awesome!

So, after registration, I was treated like a VIP, somehow. My event-buddy and I were assisted to the holding area. When we got there, some international YouTubers like Alex Wassabi and Wengie were there. When I looked at Wengie, the seat to her right was still unoccupied so I immediately sat beside her. Oops, I hope I did not look creepy to her. 

And, OMG! Do you like Wengie? I have to be honest that although I know her name and her face, I have never watched a single Wengie video. But, O to the M to the G! Wengie is the sweetest and the most down-to-earth YouTuber, ever! She was sitting there, sipping her coffee alone. She even went to the restroom alone like she doesn't know she has 1.2 Million subscribers on YouTube. Instead of being with the famous ones, she chose to sit beside the aspiring YouTube creators when we had lunch. People like her is really my career peg. I'm not sure if you guys have noticed, but I always, always make it sure that I keep my feet on the ground no matter what achievement I get. I never think that I am above anyone else or more popular than somebody else. That exactly was how Wengie was when I met her. I was so inspired! She got 1.2 Million subscribers in 3 years and she is even more humble than some people I met with only few thousand subscribers! I love Wengie!

Oh, she also loved my Casio Exilim TR60 Selfie Camera that she even took a selfie using it! Haha She has super smooth skin but notice how my camera made her skin even more flawless!

After breakfast, she went to the activity area to have her solo panel. Though she was wearing simple and comfy clothes, she still stood out because of her pretty hair and her milky-white skin!

While she was wearing comfy clothes, there I was, wearing cropped top, pleat skirt and high-heels! 

11:30 AM was my schedule for the Panel Session. I was alongside Say and Connor Franta. Though this was not my first YouTube Fan Fest participation, making it to the Creator Day as one of the Panel speakers was such big honor. To me, it meant that YouTube believes in me and actually sees something in me, that I myself  fail to see sometimes. Maybe Creativity, maybe Honesty or maybe Sincerity...

The crowd was quite big. It also got a bit awkward for me to talk because when I looked to the right corner of the seats, almost all the beauty creators were there. I thought to myself, what else do I still need to teach these already creative beauty creators? Good thing, I looked to the left and saw newbies and aspiring YouTubers. I hope they were able to learn a thing or two from me!

Have you ever wondered if your favorite star or singer sees you when they're onstage and you're in the crowd? The answer is this...
We only see the lights, mostly! Hehe It's so funny how some fan-fics would be like "And He saw me there, standing in the crowd... Our eyes locked and I knew right there and then that He fell in love." Like, okayyy... HOW??

My boyfriend event-buddy is always so supportive. Before I went onstage, he kept reminding me to smile and be friendly whenever I would answer a question. He also took like 1,678 photos of me while I was onstage! Hehe

YTFF -check! 
Supportive boyfriend event-buddy -check!

Though, the audio was so bad during our Panel. The echo was so bad that we couldn't even hear our own voice. 

Good thing, the audience stuck with us and remained attentive! 

*Okay, bae. I'm all smiles now! Happy??*
Yes, yes! Even Connor is smiling and he is smiling at YOU!

In case you are curious, here are the questions Say, Connor and I answered:
  • How did you get started on YouTube?
  • What steps did you take to begin building this community?
  • What challenges did you face?
  • How do you plan your programming around your fans and community?
  • Any rituals or special lingo you have adopted for your community to identify themselves to your channel?
  • Methods you've used to build value around your community and engage with your fans?

Not a lot of people asked me for a photo this time. I guess most of them do not know me or have seen me before that they do not feel the need for another photo with me anymore. Okay, beh! I'll just take selfies, nalang! Hehehe

Some sweet followers that were also present at my YTFF 2015 Meet and Greet went to me for a photo. Thanks, guys! Meron palang may kilala sa akin! Hihi

After that, we went back to the holding area where we chilled with your favorite YouTubers! Also got the chance to film vlogs with them and take photos together!

Here I am with Connor. He was also amazed with my Casio Exilim TR60 Selfie Camera. He said he has never seen it before and it's awesome!

Since we had a lot of free time, we decided to hang-out... in the rest room! Hehe Beauty bloggers will always be beauty bloggers! Oh, this was my Selfie idea! How cute, right?? ^^

It was then time for lunch. Now this right here is something new that they did not do last year. Aspiring YouTubers got to mingle with their favorite YouTubers over delicious lunch! OMG, I could just imagine what I would have done if Ryan freakin' Higa was there! Maybe, everyone would have been blurred and my eyes would have been focused and glued on Ryan. Wait, do I sound like a creepy fan?? Haha I can't help it! I'm hanging out with all these famous YouTubers while the ONLY YouTuber that I ever want to meet is somewhere in Hawaii, filming or editing a video. I have been a lamp since his How To Be a Ninja and Big Bouncing Green Ball videos!

*Okay, Kristine! Calm yourself. Ryan Higa was not there...*

After lunch, we went back to the activity area for few more sets of Panel Talk. My friend, Ana Victorino, had hers at around 1PM. 

Of course, I will never forget to take an OOTD picture. Do you guys like my outfit? This is one of my #AffordableOOTD! 

I recently started this series where I post a photo and the prices of the items of my outfit. Here is my Affordable OOTD Number 1.

When we were almost done with the Creator Camp, I took the opportunity to take photos with some of my friends...also known as 'Famous People on the Internet"! Hehehe

Ana Victorino - featuring the side profile of Alex Wassabi

Ana Victorino v2.0

Joyce Sola - the girl that always teases me... Hehe <3 span="">

Kris Lumagui

Lloyd Cafe Cadena

Mikey Bustos

The last photo I took before leaving Blue Leaf was with Ana Victorino. Ana is one of the people on YouTube that I sincerely like. We have worked several times together : YTFF 2015, Beauty Bound Asia, Cetaphil... and she is just real and honest. And also, super pretty even without makeup on! We went night swimming when we were at The Farm and she was glowing even in water while I looked like a jelly fish! Hehe 

I hope you enjoyed reding my YouTube Fan Fest 2016 blog! Our YouTube channel will only get better and bigger so please stay tuned and don't loosen your grip! I will also be coming out with exciting videos + an exciting surprise soon! Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel @RealAsianBeauty HERE.

Thank you for reading!