Showing posts with label Vlogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vlogs. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2015

Personal : Facebook ad Instagram Question & Answer +Shout-outs!

Hello! I finally uploaded the Question and Answer video on our YouTube channel! If you are following me on Facebook and on Instagram and left a question or liked the photo that I posted, then I am sure you will like this new upload!

I posted the photo and asked you guys to leave me questions that you want me to answer in the video. The questions that were posted were all fun and interesting so I decided to just answer them all. That's why the video took forever! 

I hope you still enjoy it! I also said hi to 10 Facebook followers and to 10 Instagram followers!

Let me know if you guys would like to see a video like this more often. Personally, I think it's fun and it's almost like we're having a group chat, though it's not live. hehe I enjoyed filming the video and answering the questions so I hope you also enjoy watching it.

Please don't forget to Like me on Facebook here and to Follow me on Instagram here.(@RealAsianBeauty)

Thanks for reading! I'll talk to you again soon!


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

YouTube Fanfest Manila, Philippines 2015 #YTFF

Weeks after the YouTube Fanfest here in Manila, I still haven't gotten over the excitement and the happiness! I was able to giveaway few tickets to lucky followers but I know that a lot of you wanted to be there with us as well! So today, I am sharing the behind-the-scenes of the YTFF!

Okay, let me start by being honest. I don't know why but I was always late on almost all the events! Ana and I came late to the dinner and to the rehearsal. We left 3 hours early but still got late. We blame it on the traffic and the really awful MRT system that we have here in the Philippines. :(

Anyway, on the 26th, the day of the Fanfest, I only had few hours of sleep because I spent all night picking clothes to wear, doing my nails and packing my stuff. It's one of the bad habits that I should change, but I always like doing things on the last minute. We were supposed to leave my home at 10 AM to make it on time for the 1 PM hotel check-in time and 1:30 PM Press Conference call time. Can you guess what time my cousin and I left my house? 12 PM!

We were a bit late, of course! I still haven't done my hair and make-up when we arrived Marriott Hotel so everything was crazy and chaotic. My cousin, Noemi, became my runner as she would literally run from one corner of the room to the other just to help me get ready.

We were able to make it to the Press Conference at around 1:45 PM. Everything was organized : car service, assistants, bouncers, passage ways, etc. It felt so amazing to have to go from the hotel to the grand ballroom of the venue in nice clothes with an assistant, a car service and bouncers. They assigned an assistant and bouncers for each YouTuber because you know, some fans could get excited when they meet their idols. I understand the need for Bethany, Kurt, Caspar and the rest of the line up. But for me? Hehe I was just flattered. So that's how it feels to be a star. Yay! I got to be a star for a day! 

I was supposed to take the same car service as Bethany going to the press conference but since she was still preparing, I had to go without her. The press conference was short and straight to the point. 

Here are all of the YouTubers. I swear to you, I am in the picture!

Yeah, I was beside Bethany! Note to self : do not stand behind the Chicser boys during group photos. They might stand instead of sitting. :(

One of the boys! Caspar, Kristine, Joe and Oli. Can we now please make Jaspoli to Jaspoline? Harhar :)

After the press conference, I wanted to see the lobby because I was curious about the tarpaulins and signs they were setting up the other night. I found my name! Didn't know we're already 20,396,000 views, guys!

That's what I ended up wearing to the press conference. I heard somewhere that whatever you have kept in your closet for over a year must be thrown away because you will never wear them, ever. Could be true but it was not the case for me this time. I've had this romper that I got from for almost a year now. Glad I didn't throw it away because it was a life-saver!

After that, we went back to the hotel and I quickly headed to the Mariott Hotel cafe to have a quick meeting with the Style Haul team plus some Filipina Beauty Vloggers. The company and the food were awesome but sad I couldn't stay longer. I had to go back up to my hotel room to get ready for the 5:00 PM Meet and Greet call time.

I only had less than an hour to prepare for the meet and greet and for the show proper. I just retouched my makeup and curled my hair for a different look. The outfit that I ended up wearing to the show was also something I have kept long in my closet. I got the floral pair from When I got it, I couldn't wear it because it bares my stomach and it has cutouts on the side that reveals the thigh. I tried to cover it by wearing a white undergarment. What do you guys think of this ensemble? :)

This is getting a bit long, isn't it? To give you more #YTFF feels, I filmed a vlog for you guys! Yay!

Enjoy the video below! I have clips of your other favorite YouTubers like Bethany, Jaspoli and Macy! Apl de Ap also made an appearance in the video!

Anyway, after the meet and greet, we were told to stay in a room so the production could easily look for us when it's our turn to go up on stage. I was not really overwhelmed with this thought since I was not really a huge fan of any of the YouTubers. I mean, I do like them and they are all pretty, handsome and nice in person. What I'm trying to say is that things would have been different if Ryan Higa was there! I really, really want to meet Ryan in person. I watch all of his videos and have been a lamp for more than 4 years now. Would have been awesome if I was part of the Fanfest along with my #1 favorite YouTuber, right? Someday, Ryan. :)

So, we had dinner and had few preparations before the show started. I'm not sure but I think we were 3rd or 4th to go up on stage. If you look close in the photo, you can see Jaspoli waiting with us.

I was excited yet nervous to go on stage! I am sure Ana and our winner, Allison, also felt that way. The screams were roaring so we were imagining the amount of people present. Personally, I was worried how the people would react once they see me. 

But when we got on stage, it was a heavenly feeling I can't explain! People were waving and calling "Kristine" and "Ana". Some were taking photos of us. I even saw a banner/fan board for me! I didn't get to take a photo of it but that was the first-ever board message someone has ever done for me. I am sure it's by one of my readers! Did you make it? I hope you could send me a photo if you have one! 

If you guys missed it, Ana and I posted on our SNS about this makeover contest. We asked to share a photo of a look one would wear to the fanfest. Ana, Camille and I picked the winner and she gets to be with us and styled by us on the fanfest! Our lucky winner was Allison.

After the short segment, we went backstage to continue with the "makeover". We had our own beauty room where everything was set up : lights, dresser, makeup, hair tools, etc. Camille Co styled the outfit of the winner. She was supposed to be there with us at the event, but due to some reasons, her appearance got canceled. The winner still got to wear the outfit that Camille picked and we were helped by her assistant, Clarisse.

Life was so much easier for me backstage because I was helped by my cousin, Patty. Have you guys seen my Cousins Do My Makeup video? She was there! hehe Anyway, Patty took pictures and videos of me, held my stuff and bag, she followed us around and made sure everything I needed was in reach. I'm thankful that she went with me to the event even though she had to come all the way from CEU. Thanks, Patty!

So our segment was divided in 3 parts. The second part was a footage of us doing her hair and makeup inside our beauty room. Hair was easy for me since I only had to curl, add extensions and braid. But I felt bad for Ana because I know how long a perfect makeup takes to get done. We only had little time so we had to rush. Good thing Ana was so good at makeup so she was still able to make our winner look fresh and pretty despite the little time.

 I think we were given only 20 minutes to do the entire makeover backstage until the "BIG REVEAL" back on stage. Here's what Ana and I were able to come up with.
Allison, if you are reading this, I hope you liked your look. We could have done better only if we had more time. 

Me, Ally and Ana waiting to go back up on stage.

Thanks to YouTube for sending us a copy of our beauty segment! Watch Ana and I on the YouTube Fanfest below! 




After our segment, we went back to the function room to have dinner. We also went to the stage area to watch the others perform. I got to see AJ Rafael, Macy Kate and Bethany Mota and Kurt Schneider's performances. Too bad I missed Apl de Ap and Abra's performance! It was also so good!
At the end of the show, all the YouTubers and other celebrities were called for a final appearance on the stage. I was always on the other side during final stages and encore stages of shows and concerts. I honestly think that that is one of the most fun part of a show. That's the part where artists usually shake off their images and just have fun with the audience. (Fan service as they call it on Tumblr and on Kpop.) 

The feeling was surreal! I wanted to slap myself on stage because it didn't feel real. (lol) I was actually on stage with these famous people and there are actually lots of fans screaming and waving! 

Everything went so fast, though. I wish the final stage lasted for at least 15 minutes! hehe

Were you there? Can you find yourself in the pictures? 

I have been there, though. I have been a fan caught in middle of an ocean of people. And I know it's not a joke to spend hours there standing and screaming. The elbows, feet, cellphones, ipads and selfie sticks are also no joke! But I also know that everything becomes worth the effort once your favorite star finally notices you! Any fan would trade those long hours waiting in line and being squished in the moshpit just for a few seconds of interaction. I hope the people that came to the event were able to enjoy the show and I hope you guys were able to catch your favorite YouTuber's attention. I hope I was able to notice you in case you called my name or waved at me while I was on stage. ^^

After the awesome show, everyone gathered back in the room for a short meeting, round of applause for everyone and for "thank you" and for "congratulations". I also had pictures with some of these people. 

Kristine and Kurt Schneider.

Kristine and Reese. She was the girl responsible for the YouTube Fanfest here in the Philippines. She was the one that started the hashtag #BringYouTubersToManila on Twitter. Did you not wonder how sudden everything was? It was because the hastag trended worldwide that YouTube and the organizers couldn't resist the request. Thank you, Reese and to your group, for making this happen!

This picture is something. Can you imagine I was actually in a meeting with the YouTubers while I was just there, standing behind Bethany? Haha She used to be so, so far but now she's literally a few inches away! I don't know about you guys, but for me that really is something!

After the epic night, my cousins and I didn't want to leave the area yet. It's funny how I was a talent and a fan at the same time! We took pictures with every YouTube logo!

This was my gang the entire night. My two cousins, Patty and Noemi. Ally, the winner, and her cousins. And Clarisse, Camille Co's assistant. 

The final photo that I am sharing is me with the wall of stars! 

This will surely be one of the most memorable days/night of my life. Something I would want to tell my grandchildren when I'm old. I don't hope this is the last YTFF that I will ever attend but this is definitely a great way to jump start my life as a full-time YouTuber. Perfect time, too, because I am celebrating my 1st year as a full-time YouTuber. What a great gift!

* * *

Thanks to everyone that made THIS possible. Thank you, Lord. Thanks to my Mother. Thanks to friends and relatives that believed in me when I was just starting. It's funny how when I was just starting. I used to send them links to my blogs and videos and would force them to watch/read them. They were truly my first supporters. I had them when no one else was reading and watching. Finally, THANK YOU for reading this blog and for watching my videos! You are the reason why YouTube invited me to the YouTube Fanfest. Because I actually have a FAN LIKE YOU! THANK YOU! 


Friday, July 10, 2015

YouTube Fanfest Manila : Dinner with the YouTubers + Rehearsal with Ana and Camille!

June is one of the best months for me this year! Can you guys imagine that I was actually a part of the YouTube Fanfest?! I still can't! Ever since I saw the selfie Ryan Higa, Bethany Mota and Xiaxue took together at the YTFF Singapore, I never stopped wanting and wishing to be able to attend it. I mean, it's the event where I could see all my favorite YouTubers! I just honestly wanted to go. Never, even in my wildest dreams, did I imagine I'd ever be able to be on it ON STAGE! That's just crazy and beyond unbelievable!

I guess the reason why I have very few followers on my SNS is because I never put my self on a pedestal. I always like to be the "humbler" blogger and think of myself as just a regular person. (I'm saying this because I noticed that some top bloggers and YouTubers distant themselves from their fans and they have a certain aura that just radiates "I'm a star.") I never really want that. I just like to blog and do YouTube videos because I love and enjoy doing it! I don't do it to get famous or anything. If blessings or opportunities come to me, I consider them as just rewards. But it's never the main goal.

When I got the invite to be one of the artists for the YTFF, I got really, really excited! Yet, scared! Very, very scared. I kept asking myself "What if no one recognizes me there?", "What if no one cheers for me?", "What if people mistake me as a potato because I'm so short and petite?" and so on... The self-questioning got more intense as the YTFF day drew nearer and nearer. 2 days before the event, I actually wanted to back out because I got nothing to wear and because I was really scared no one would ever recognize me there. 

Sigh, sometimes I really need Blue Blink or Doraemon to give me self-confidence. What?! You guys don't know who Blue Blink and Doraemon are? (lol)

Anyway, 2 days before the YouTube Fanfest show, the organizers set up a dinner for the production staff and for the YouTube artists. I was also there and that was the first time I got to meet my fellow artists for the YTFF.

The dinner was at Crisostomo Restaurant inside Resort's World Manila. I was actually craving for steak that night but we had Filipino food instead. I forgot I was going to dine with people that are visiting Philippines for the first time so of course, we would have Filipino food! hehe

The table was overflowing with food! There were only 6 of us but look at the amount of food on our table. There were more food to my right but the photographer failed to capture them. There were just to much food that night! Food won, I lost!

I took pictures with my fellow artists for the first time.

Ana Victorino, Caspar Lee, Thatcher Joe and Kristine. (That's me!)

Kristine, Macy Kate and the funny guy from Bogart the Explorer.

Kristine and AJ Rafael.

With my event partner, Ana Victorino. It was also my first time meeting Ana. We talked on YouTube before but I never really got to meet here in person until that dinner night. She is kind and sweet in person and she smiles a lot. She also gives makeup and beauty tips every now and then! hehe

The next day, we had a rehearsal on stage with the production staff and the rest of the artists. It was also the day Ana and I decided to take the MRT so we'd be early for the rehearsal. But to our dismay, we were still an hour late for the rehearsal. Sigh, MRT. What to do with you?

Anyway, please watch my vlog video below! :)

I'm not sure if you guys know but I am a big fan of Camille Co. I used to read her blog a lot when I was still working as a teacher. Her blog would always be my stress-reliever in the office. hehe I have also been wanting to meet her in person. I've heard a lot of good stories about her so I wanted to know for myself.

And they were all true! Camille is such a sweet and humble person. She also has a cute voice that is quite too small for her height. hehe She didn't give me that "I'm a top blogger." vibe. She was really sweet and even asked me "Are you tired?" when she saw that I was a little quiet while eating dinner. 

Anyway, when we got to the rehearsal, Jireh Lim was rehearsing his stage! What a nice background music!

Camille Co styled the outfit of our Makeover winner, Allison. Camille was supposed to be with Ana and I on the show proper, but for some reasons, her participation was canceled. The winner still got to wear the outfit, though!

After the rehearsal, we went to the Marriott Hotel to have dinner with some of the people from Stylehaul. I was sick that week because of stress and lack of sleep so I was coughing like crazy. Good thing the food was good and the cute stuffed toy the staff gave me made me feel a little better.

I got home at around 11 PM that night. It was crazy because I still didn't have clothes for the show proper so I was really anxious! I went shopping for clothes but when I got home, none of them seemed proper and good enough for YTFF. Watch the video below to find out the stuff I bought just for the YTFF!

I will be blogging about the Youtube Fanfest soon so please be sure you come back for it! I will also show you what I wore to the event. ^^

Thank you for reading today! Please follow me on Instagram if you are there! I would be the happiest if I could get 5,000 followers by the end of July. It's @RealAsianBeauty.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Universal Studios Singapore ❤

I've always wanted to go to Universal Studios so I  was really excited for our Singapore trip! We wanted to avoid long lines and horde of people so went on a Monday. Going to Universal Studios from our hotel was rather very quick and easy. The attendants at our hotel said it would be easier to go by taxi rather by bus or by train. The fare came down to just $9, which was very cheap as compared to having to walk a few blocks and take a train and then transfer to another train line. 

I made sure I wore comfy clothes to Universal as I was sure the weather was going to be hot and sunny!

Finally, a picture with this iconic globe/logo!

The ticket price was $68 for a One-Day Pass Ticket. We got a few $$ off the price because we got our USS ticket from our hotel, Victoria Hotel. I think it was around $5 discount.


To make my story-telling even more realistic, I filmed a vlog for you guys! Click the video to see the fun we had at Universal Studios in Singapore!!

It was close to Easter so the theme of the park was Eggs, Eggs and more Eggs!

Does it not hurt your eyes to look at these golden awards lined up?

I saw this one award that would be a perfect gift for my Mom.

See, I told you! More eggs!

One of the main attractions of the park is the Ancient Egypt area. I have always been amazed by the Egyptian hieroglyphics, the huge statues, the pyramids and more! It was so nice to see replicas of those inside the Universal.

The Revenge of the Mummy ride was also thrilling! I really loved it!  You guys should try it if you ever visit Universal Studios, too!

Then there's the Jurassic Park area. I also loved the Canopy Flyer ride. It was just too short for a very fun ride, though.

Then, every kids and kids-at-heart's favorite place- the Far, Far, Away!

I really love going to theme parks with castles and "princess" themes! I just really love fairy tales and I guess I have always wanted to be a princess, too!

This ride also seems fun but I don't know why we didn't ride it. I guess it because the entrance to it was kind of hidden and my cousin and I got lazy to actually go and look for it.

Candies for the sweet tooth!

The Madagascar area was also nice. We rode the Crate Adventure but I thought it was a little plain. I couldn't really complain, though, because the reason we rode it was because it was so humid and we were so tired. We saw that there was no line so we got inside so we could have a bit of cool air and a nice seat in the boat. hehe

Cute penguins! Have you guys seen a real penguin? I haven't! Are they really that cute in person? Like Panda level cute? Oh, wait. I've never seen a Panda in person, either! hehe

Because I'm happy!

Everyone is free to enjoy the park! See, even this cute little bird is enjoying it's walk along the walk of fame!

My cousin and I didn't stress ourselves too much trying to explore the entire place and trying to ride all the rides. We just wanted to really enjoy the time. So we weren't really tired at the end of the day. By 5 PM, we were almost finished going around the park so we still had time to go back to the souvenir shop.

When we got out of the park, I saw my paradise! OMG!! So much REESE'S in one picture! How could there be so much Reese's?! I want them all and I won't ever get tired of eating them! Reese's is my favorite chocolate, EVER!!

So, after I got crazy inside the Hershey's store, we walked around Sentosa trying to find a place to eat. We were both craving for chicken and rice. No, not the chicken and rice that they have in Singapore but the fast-food fried chicken and plain rice that we are so used to eating here in the Philippines! hehe

We took the train going home because that's what the hotel attendant told us to do. He said the taxis are more expensive at night and that the travel time would be longer then. We passed by Vivo City Mall really quickly. I saw this cute wall art there.

We got home at around 10 PM. We were so tired but it was surely a fun day! I hope you enjoyed the photos and the vlog!

Two more Singapore posts then we're done with this travel diary episode. Hmm, I wonder where my next destination would be? Somewhere with cherry blossoms or pretty maple trees perhaps?

Thanks for reading!
