Sunday, May 22, 2016

How Much FREE Products Do Bloggers Get (in a week)?!

You know that one of the perks of being a blogger is that we get free stuff for us to blog, to try or to feature on our blog. But do you really have an idea how much free stuff we get?

Last week, I received quite a number of parcels so I decided to do another Haul video.   

I got a LOT that I was even able to write this word using some of them!

Watch the video to see how many items I got! I promise you, you will like everything!

Products and Brands I mentioned in the video:



Cathy Doll

Pink Sugar

Colour Collection

Ever Bilena

Asian Secrets

Woah! I know what you're thinking right now. THAT'S A LOT! Yes, it is! But please don't think that I posted this to brag or to show-off the things that I have. In fact, my goal here is to inspire you. Did you know that we were so poor when I was young that I couldn't even afford to buy a cute lip gloss or a cologne, let alone any branded stuff? I still remember how I used to ask my friends for some cologne or baby powder because I couldn't afford them at that time. But, look at where I got now! I now have stuff that I don't even need to ask people for or buy...because they get sent to me for free. My point here is to never lose hope no matter how hard or hopeless your situation may be now. Sometimes, life gives you a 360 degree turn and you won't be able to say no to it because it will just happen. So, always stay positive!

Ooh, I also got this BDJ Box Luxe Edition featuring... SHISEIDO! Too bad,this box arrived after I was done editing the haul video. Would have been a perfect addition to my weekly "sponsored" haul video. Oh well! I love this box so much that I decided to make a separate "unboxing" video. I hope you enjoy!

Some people say I am blessed. But more than that, I feel really thankful that all of these blessings are coming my way now! Not only material things but the gift of friendship and the gift of love... God has been showering me with a lot of those lately so I am really thankful!

I hope you enjoyed reading. (a.k.a. looking at the pictures. hehe) I am quite a busy blogger this week as YouTube Fan fest is happening on Wednesday, then I have a Nail Art Workshop on Saturday then I'll be attending a Debut Party on Sunday. In between, I still have to edit videos and update this blog. Whew! I love my job! See you guys at the YTFF and at my very first Nail Art Event!
