Thursday, January 7, 2016

Instagram "Follower of the Month" Giveaway

I promised you guys there'd be more giveaways this year. So, this is the kick-off of that promise.

One of the social media channels that I pay close attention to is my Instagram account. I am on it 24/7! I even know by heart the number of my followers there, so when one or two people unfollow, I get really sad. hehe

So, to reward the loyal followers, here's a little giveaway treat!

The things up for giveaway this time are All Stuff Purple! So, don't forget to enter this giveaway if you like purple stuff!

The only thing you must do is to be MY MOST ENGAGED follower on Instagram. Like photos and Comment on my photos! Oh, of course, must be a follower, too. At the end of the month, the follower with the most engagement or interaction will get prize!

So, see you all on my Instagram. User name is @RealAsianBeauty!

