Saturday, May 23, 2015

Singapore Day 5 : $1 Ice Cream in Orchard Road + Marina Bay Sands

On our second to the last day in Singapore, we opted to go to the Lucky Plaza mall in Orchard Road first. I was looking for a camera (Casio 1500) and was hoping I could find a great deal there. My cousin who also worked in Singapore suggested I go there for more souvenir items.

But instead of finding the camera that I like and some souvenir items, I found CHOCOLATES! Lots and lots of chocolates!

After that, we explored the Orchard Road to see some more tourist spots. Oh, I forgot to meantion right away that I met with a Filipina viewer that is currently in Singapore. Mae is one of the loyal viewers that I have. We have been exchanging messages for more than a year before meeting. I was so glad I was finally able to meet her in Singapore!

She helped us get around the area. We also looked for the famous "$1 Uncle Ice Cream". 
After few minutes of walking, we were finally able to find the ice cream stand!
I ordered the Red Bean ice cream! It was delicious! The ice cream melts fast, though, so it has to be eaten right away. 

While eating ice cream, 2 adorable dogs passed by. You really know when a person is a dog lover. She/He has gotta to say hi to a dog that passes by no matter what. It's also so cute how the 2 dogs look so much like my pet, Fluffy! Only they are bigger. I guess they are pure Poodle while mine is a cross breed between a Poodle and a Shih-Tzu.

I filmed a vlog! Please watch the video below! ^^

After that, we went to ION mall, still in Orchard Road. The thing I noticed about Singapore is that it is so hard to crave for a food because restaurants aren't everywhere, unlike how it is here in the Philippines. I am so used to being able to buy what I want right at the moment because food stalls, fast foods and restaurants are everywhere here. While in Singapore, you really have to go all the way to a certain place if you want to eat a certain food.

I was honestly craving for ROTI but I couldn't find a restaurant that sells it. In the end, I settled for this Thai or Indonesian Chicken and Rice. It was tasty but the sauce was too salty!

I have a friend that asked me to follow a certain someone on Instagram. That person is probably the richest, infamous, commoner person I know. She is addicted to Hello Kitty and she posts daily shopping hauls of stuff that I think always come down to around Php 20,000. She doesn't splurge once in a while but almost everyday. OMG. Because of her, I found out about a bag brand called Samantha Thavasa. Since then, I've been so curious and have wanted to own one. I looked for it everywhere in Malaysia and Singapore. Good thing I found a branch inside the ION Mall!
You will believe me when I tell you she has almost all the Hello Kitty in the world, right? When she likes a bag, she has it in differnt colors plus in all sizes. OMG, so rich! How do people become THAT rich? Anyway, I was certain I'd buy a Samantha bag when I see one. But when I was at the store, I had second thought. Their bags are pricey yet the brand is not known to everyone. For the price, I could buy a Kate Spade, Michael Kors or a Tory Burch Bag. So I just put the bag downa and left the store. Hehe 

After that, we went to the Bugis Street Shopping Center. I bought some Egg Tarts but of couse, nothing beats the first try. The one I tasted in Hong-Kong still wins!

We also had Lychee drink but since nothing beats the first try, the first one we had at Makansutra Gluttons Bay also wins. It is $5, though. While this drink is only for $1.

We then went to Bencoolen where we saw this area. The lady said anyone could tie a ribbon and make a wish...

So, I did! I hope all the wishes I made come true.

Then, again, we saw a stall that sells the famous $1 ice cream. This time, I had the Mint flavor. It was an interesting flavor to try but in my opinion, it is too minty. It felt like I was eating cold food while brushing my teeth. hehe

After some shopping, we headed back to our hotel to leave our stuff and freshen up.

Ahh, fresh once more!

Because we didn't have enought time when we went for the first time, we went back to the Marina Bay Sands Hotel area and to the Gardens by the Bay area for more photos!

I love this photo so much! Noone helped me take it, though, I used my mini tripod to take it. hehe

Then we went to the Flower Dome where I got overwhelmed! The place smells like heaven because of all the fresh flowers. I instantly regretted that I didn't bring my DSLR with me to the dome. All the flowers were fresh, colorful and beautiful!

Too bad the light show wasn't on when we went out. They said they had a minor problem so there will be no show for that night. Aww... But still, the view of the lights and the giant structures were breath-taking! 

We were getting hungry so we decided to go inside the Marina Bay Sand Hotel to grab some food. We passed by the Singapore Flyer and it was so beautiful!

I wasn't able to take a photo of my food but I believe we had Chicken Rice again! Hehe

We ended the night with this spectacular view of Singapore's Sky Line. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. Let me know your comments or questions below. Also, I am nearing 4,000 subscribers on Instagram! Yay! only 45 followers to go. Will you please be one of those 45? My user name is @RealAsianBeauty. Yay! Thanks!

