Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Trip to Prague

Prague was one of the most beautiful  European cities since the middle Ages and has had many nicknames as "City of 100 towers", "Heart of Europe" and "Golden Prague". 

I gotta admit, My 4 days in Prague was very exhausting. All we did was walk and walk and sometimes run! Despite the fact that my feet died, I still fell in love with the city. The Castles and Towers looked like some witches lived there for ages. The people were very nice and almost all of them knew how to speak English, so, it wasn't that hard to ask for directions. The Prague metro (subway) ,which I also adored, was very "Museum like" and very pleasing to the eyes. Every stop has different designs, colors and statues. The Food! OMG The Food is of course, my favorite part! HAHAHA I think they have everything.. at least they have Starbucks, KFC and Hard Rock Cafe (we don't have these in Italy. sucks right?). The Czech Cuisine was also UGH-mazing! 
Although there were tons of things to love about Prague. There were 2 things I hated the most, Mosquitoes and not having aircon!  The mosquitoes were like vampires, plus they attack in groups. While Trams and Buses didn't have aircon or even fans. But overall, It was a good Trip! 

Enjoy our expressionless, blank and serious faces! 

Malpensa Airport.

Czech Airport.

Prague Metro.

Clarion Hotel.

isn't he the cutest!!

Charles Bridge.

The Powder Gate.

Vltava River.

 Vintage cars parked everywhere!

Old Town Square.

Tyn Church.


With my long lost sisters. haha


We so tired from all the walking.

Funicular Railway.
Runs from the Lesser Town up Petrin Hill. At the top, set in landscaped gardens, is Petrin Observation Tower, a mirror maze.

The Dancing House.

Mustek Restaurant. 

Prague Castle Church.

Our flight back to Milan.

