Showing posts with label Haul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haul. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Malissa Kiss Haul, Unboxing and Giveaway

Hello! Working on some blog posts before I hit the kitchen again to cook some food for New Year's Eve. I just made a No-bake Oreo Cheesecake and it's now chilling in the fridge. Next menu is Palabok! Hehe

Anyway, a couple of days ago, I uploaded this Malissa Kiss Unboxing and Giveaway video on our YouTube channel. Malissa Kiss is a Thailand brand of cosmetics and skin care that is set to launch here in the Philippines soon. I got the parcel from them and decided to show you what's inside it.

Everything came in 2 so I decided to give the other set to 1 lucky viewer! Yay!
If you haven't watched the video yet, it's not yet too late to enjoy it. I also filmed at a new spot in my room. If you are a pink-lover, then I am sure you will love the new set up. :)

Products are :
  • Mineral Aqua Mud Foam
  • Luxury Abalone Cream
  • White Me Up
  • Sleeping Pack
  • No Worry Axilla Care Cream
  • Super Black Ultra HD Eyeliner
  • Super Shape Ultra HD Brow Pencil in Choco
  • Super Shape Ultra HD Brow Pencil in Mocha

After a week of having the giveaway open to whoever wanted to join, I finally picked the lucky winner today...

*drum roll*


Congratulations! Let's meet up NEXT YEAR so I could give your prize. By next year, I mean January 2016. hehe

Ending this blog post with this photo of me. This was candid, I swear! I was trying to hit the record video button when I pressed shutter button. The photo turned out so nice! I look so blooming in the picture, don't you agree? ^^ I know the answer why I looked nice in the picture and in the video, but I'm not telling you guys why. I'm a bully like that. Hehe

If you entered the giveaway but did not win, do not feel sad or bad. I thought this year, I should give back to loyal readers, viewers and followers. So for each month, I will be giving a prize to the most loyal and most active follower! Yay! Don't you guys think that's a nice idea? hehe

Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you so much for being a part of my 2015! 


Friday, December 25, 2015

Huge Makeup Haul - December 2015

Merry Christmas, everyone! How was your Christmas celebration? Mine was very simple but it was still special and I was still grateful that I got to celebrate another Christmas. 

Anyway, a few days before Christmas, I filmed a makeup haul showing the products I got for the month of December. Some of you have noticed that I'm becoming more inclined to makeup these days. That's because my skin is somehow getting better! Yay! 

I love doing hauls because I love recommending new products to you guys! I also love the excitement in opening new packages and parcels and showing them to you in a video!

How do you like the new background, by the way? Instead of the usual plain white wall, I decided to film in front of my shoe cabinet. I'm not sure if that's a good idea, though. So, please let me know if you like it or if I should go back to the plain white wall background. Leave your comments below! :)

Watch the haul video here :

I am so excited to try the Butter London nail polishes since I have been wanting to try that brand for the longest time! Blog/Video review on the Pro Studio Brushes, Beauty Blender, Lancome Mascara and Daiso Makeup coming soon so please stay tuned!

* * *

As for my Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebration, I just spent it at home with my Mom, Step-dad and dog. It was small and simple, but I was still thankful that everyone is healthy for Christmas. We were together and that's what really matters, right? 

I made some Chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting, Baked One-pot Alfredo and Blueberry Cheesecake. My Mom made DIY Ham, Lumpia, Chicken and Pork Barbecue and Macaroni Salad. Yummmmm!
It was my first time doing the 3 dishes, so I was lacking in some areas. My Chocolate cupcake's frosting was too sweet and it wasn't stiff enough, my Baked Alfredo was too dry and the Blueberry Cheesecake's cream didn't get fluffy... But everything was still good, especially the blueberry cheesecake! I loved it! hehe I just got the recipe from YouTube and it's a no-bake cheesecake.

As for the gifts, I did not receive a lot of gifts this year. It's okay, though. Because once you get older, you slowly receive less and less gifts. Because of that, I just became my own Santa and bought myself a gift! I have looooong been wanting to have an Instax camera but didn't want to splurge because I thought it would be absurd to have another camera when I already have 3 working cameras. But a day before Christmas, I went to a camera shop, closed my eyes and just purchased a Pink Polaroid! hehe

I haven't used the camera yet but I will definitely film an unboxing and review video on it! Please stay tuned. 

Merry Christmas, everyone! How did you guys celebrate and what gifts did you receive?


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

HUGE HAUL!! September 2015

One of the videos that I enjoy filming are haul videos! I mean, shopping and then turning on the camera just to talk about the things I bought, how can that not be fun? I know you guys also enjoy watching haul videos so whenever possible, I make it a point to film one. 

Here is another haul video showing the things that I got for the month of September! And this, my friends, is possible the biggest monthly haul you will ever watch!
I showed the items in 2 parts : first half of the month and then latter part of the month. 



I know you are curious to see everything I got so please click the play button now! :)

I also have no idea why I got a lot of items for this months, usually it would just be 10-15 items in a month. I guess staying in Tarlac for 5 weeks made me crave shopping and new items. 

Here is a closer look to some of the items I mentioned in the video.

SKII Products from the Beauty Bound Asia Phase 2 Event here in Manila. Read more HERE.

The newest Whisper Skin Love delivered to me by a handsome delivery guy. Read more HERE.

A TON of Biore Makeup Remover products, sunscreens and BB Creams. Read more HERE.

Some bags, YouTube stuff and skin care products.

Super KAWAII stuff I got from my favorite Japanese store, Daiso.

Some apparels. I noticed I have been buying a lot of blue stuff lately.

Some items from my favorite shopping mall ever, TriNoma.

Pasalubong from my friend who went to Japan. You know who you are. Thank you!

So, that's everything I got for this month. Please note, however, that this post/video is not intended to brag or show-off the stuff I have. I do haul videos to help you guys decide which stuff to buy on your next shopping. It's also my way of somehow reaching out to you guys as I know girls like talking about the stuff they went shopping for, right? 

How I wish it's like this every month! I would love to have stuff as plenty as this on a monthly basis. BUT I also need to save money for my future and for my kids. hehe So, we will see next month. 

Thank you for reading today! Please do not forget to follow me on Instagram for some daily hauls and behind the scenes of my life. It's @RealAsianBeauty.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Singapore Haul

Hi! I just got back from a recent trip to Singapore. I did a little shopping so I decided to film a quick haul video to show the things I got.

It's not a lot, though, because things are expensive in Singapore and most of the stuff I saw can also be found here in the Philippines.

Anyway, here is the haul video. Enjoy! :)

For those asking if I filmed vlog videos, yes I did! But it's just that a lot of things came up so I can't squeeze video editing in my schedule right now. But I will edit the videos soon so please look forward to some Singapore and Malaysia vlog videos in the next few days.

Thanks for reading today!


Friday, March 13, 2015

Haul : Cute and Inexpensive Things in Divisoria

I love going to Divisoria! I love how I get to take home 200% stuff compared to when I shop at the mall. People that have been there will understand the feeling. And no, not everything from there is low quality or "cheap". Truth is, some stuff you see at the mall also come from Divisoria. They just add logo, label and tag price to the stuff. Voila! Price of it gets doubled! So the best thing is to shop where shopping malls shops, if that makes sense! hehe

My birthday is coming soon and I want to make this birthday special by celebrating. I don't always throw parties but this is different because I'll be celebrating my last line-of-twenty birthday. I want to be able to remember the feeling of being twenty-ish when I get older. So, I went there to buy some stuff. Number 1 on the list are the gold letter balloons that I always see on Pinterest and on Instagram!

Watch my haul :

Everything that I showed in the video come down to Php 3,000. It was so funny because I spent my money to the last cent that I had to deprive myself of food and water and had to starve until I got home because I wanted to be able to buy everything I need. You see, the thing about going to Divisoria is to bring just the amount of money you need and add some extra bucks only. You could bring Php 10,000, buy everything you see and still want for more. Divisoria really has it all! And the best part is that everything is so cheap!

What's your favorite item among the things I showed in the video?

Also, one of my birthday wishes is to have more followers on Instagram. Can we have 4,000 on or before my birthday, please? hehe Follow me! My username is @RealAsianBeauty. ^^


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Things I got for Christmas and New Year!

Hello, guys and girls! I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I am back in Tarlac to spend more time with my grandfather(Lolo). They don't have internet connection so the only chance I get to stay connected with you guys is to go to our relative's house and connect to their wifi for a while. I miss you guys and I miss the constant posts and videos I make... but I know that if I miss this chance to spend more time with my Lolo, I will never have the chance again.

It's so weird that my grandfather is bed ridden, can't walk, can't stand and can't barely speak and open his eyes yet he's still able to teach me some lessons. Just this morning, I wept because I was so touched when I saw two barbers that came to our house to cut his hair and trim his mustache. I realized what a good man he was when he was still able that people still go out of their way like that just to do simple things for him like trim his hair. I realized that it's not about giving money or luxurious gifts that will determine how people will treat you when you get older. It's actually about how you treat them when you are still able. Now that my grandfather is weak, the only words I hear from people here in Tarlac are about how kind and good-hearted he was back then. It hit me. All the sincere good things and good deeds you do when you're young will be all be repaid sincerely when you reach your nightfall. I am so thankful that I was still given the chance to spend time with him. Even for a while...

There are really lots of things to be thankful for in this life! All you have to do is to feel from your heart and be truly grateful, always.

I have a lot of things to be thankful for. Some of them are material things... like these things I got for Christmas and for New Year. This post may be 15 days behind but better late than never, right?

Please watch the video here to see all the things I got :

I like all of them, but my favorites are the YouTube Tumbler from my Mom, the personalized Forever Flawless dog tag with my name on it from Forever Flawless Clinic and the Beauty Blender from my cousin in California, Em Em.

I remeber when I was still teaching Koreans at my old office... Koreans are generally busy and stressed most of the time. At times, I would speak to an adult student and he'd/she'd tell me about how stressful life in Korea is and how there's nothing to be happy about. I would always tell them to get a notebook and a pen and each night, write a thing or two that they're grateful for that day. At first, it could be hard to commit doing that, especially if you're not really that type of person. But it really helps to open your eyes, look around and appreciate the little things in life. For when years go by, we never know that those little things could be the great things that would really impact us.

It's a warm and sunny day here in Tarlac.Thanks for reading today!
